Then, using your template for "joining the conversation" (that latest green cheat sheet), use the details from the ad to respond to any of the arguments or analysis (in favor or against) made about that ad.
Your response should include:
1. at least one phrase from your template
2. and at least one detail from the ad, along with your analysis of that detail.
3. Your analysis of that detail should help support your argument about the ad.
Dolce and Gabbana Ad Pulled from Spain
Domenico Dolce y Stefano Gabbana (Dolce & Gabbana) say they don’t understand accusations from Spain that their latest advertising campaign is sexist and encourages violence against women.On announcing their decision, the designers Dolce and Gabbana accused Spain of being "in the dark ages". They defended the advert by saying that the artistic photo was a piece of art, not an instruction manual for real life. The advertisement in question shows a woman being held down by her wrists by a man with 4 other men watching. Various other Spanish organisations have complained about the advert and requested its withdrawal. Spain has one of the most worrying records of domestic violence in Europe, and despite the attempts of this government and previous PP governments to stem the growing tide of domestic abuse, the number of crimes committed by men against women continues to rise.
Dolce and Gabbana released a statement saying that "We will withdraw that photo from the Spanish market alone, since they are behind the times. What does an artistic photo have to do with the real world?" If Spanish views held sway, they said, "you'd have to burn museums like the Louvre and all the paintings of Caravaggio."
But Spanish women objected not to the supposed sensuality or eroticism but the image's glorification of sexual violence. "The advert suggests it is acceptable to use force as a way of imposing oneself on a woman, reinforced by the passive complicity of the men looking on," the Labour Ministry said.
At present, the advert is on display in an exhibition which opened yesterday in Milan showing other photos from their new advertising campaign. The exhibition is called Secret Ceremony and shows photos of nude bodies and erotic scenes taken by the photographer Steven Klein. According to the designers, the images explore the thin line between morality and immorality. The question remains whether or not the advert withdrawn by the designers today has crossed that line.