Monday, October 13, 2008


Today you will be listening to a radio show called "This American Life." It's a [fantastic, insightful and often really funny] radio show that tells all sorts of stories with shared themes.

Please go to the following link:

Be prepared to scroll down.

Scroll down until you see a show called "The Break Up." The entire show is one hour long, but you only need to listen from minute 5:15 to minute 32:31, or about 27 minutes of story. During that time, you'll hear from a writer named Starlee Kline who is going through a terrible break-up and trying to write a song about it.


1. Bearing in mind our discussion (and Plato's and Aristotle's, and Starlee Kline's) of what art and fiction are for, argue with this claim:
"Against All Odds" by Phil Collins
is the most effective break-up song ever made.

Here is a link to hear the song again.

2. If you do not agree, please nominate the one song that you believe instead to be the most effective break up song EVER. Be prepared to compare the effects of your choice and the Phil Collins song.

a. Explain why this song does the things that you believe fiction/art should do.
b. Discuss the specific overall effects your choice of song actually creates.
c. Explain how -- with what techniques -- this song creates the effects that it does.
d. Explain why this song is a more effective break-up song than Collins' song, or ANY other song nominated by ANYONE else on the blog.

In your discussion of technique and effect, you must refer to specific details and choices in the song. Please use your cheat sheets for this assignment. They will help ensure that you are discussing specific techniques and effects.

If you can, ALSO post a link to youtube or elsewhere so we can hear it, too.

Check your grammar.

Strongest argument for most effective song wins a homework extension certificate.


Jasmin said...

Although Phil Collins’ “Against All Odds” is a good song, I do not agree that it is the most effective break up song ever made. I think the most effective break up song would be “Careless Whisper” by George Michael. This song does what I think fiction should do, which is explain a situation or event without being completely straight forward. Fiction should give off a dramatic feel and at the same time leave us able to relate and/or connect to the situation somehow. The overall effects of this song are both negative and positive, because this songs expresses loss and devotion. It is also positive because it is effective in giving off the message it was intended to, without being too straight forward. The techniques that George Michael uses in his song, is repetition, metaphors, and symbolism. In the song “Careless Whisper”, George Michael says “I’m never gonna dance again.” He uses the word “dance” to represent love or being in a relationship. We all know that a dance eventually ends, just like some relationships. This is why dance is a good word to use for it. Dancing is something we can all relate to somehow. George Michael also says “We could have lived this dance forever.” He uses the word “dance” once again to represent his love for his partner. The word “forever” portrays the idea of devotion, seeing that he would make it so that he and his partner would dance (love each other) forever. When dancing, people do get tired or even bored after a while. This also goes for relationships in general. People who are in love sometimes get bored of each other or tired and need a break. He also says “As the music dies, something in your eyes calls to mind a silver screen and all its sad goodbyes.” The word “dies” portrays a sense of loss, seeing that the music is dying, meaning the “dance” is ending. This quote also means that the woman is thinking about leaving him, or in this case, ending their dance. This song is more effective than Phil Collins’ song, because this uses symbolism to talk about breaking up, when Phil Collins’ song is straight forward.

[freebooter]o_0 said...

Before I nominate the song I think is the most effective break up song, I want to discuss why I dont think "Against All Odds" isn't. Simply because what "Against All Odds" doesn't have, i think my nominee does.

First of, even though I'm sure this was difinitely not Collin's intention, I think the song sounds a bit sarcastic especially because of the melody. I can't really see the pain in it. Now bare with me; this is just my humble opinion, but the melody is just not nostalgic or sad enough. It just seems like its trying to hard to be break up song. That might be good for some, but if you are really trying to convey the pain of a break up, you really need to reconsider having that dramatic melody. In a sense, this is relevant to Plato's explanation of art in "Republic". He says, "And I think you have observed again and again what a poor appearance the tales of poets make when stripped of the colours which musics puts upon them, and recited in simple prose." Plato, is more of less, explaining how everything within that piece of art has to have the same rich significance, one component can't stand alone and make the whole piece of art be a real master piece. In this case, the lyrics alone can't stand by themsleves and make the whole song work. The melody would have to be at the same level of that of the lyrics which "Against All Odds" fail to do.

Having said that, the song I think really conveys that pain and that impotency of not been able to retain that one person is...(Drum roll please) a song by Jonathan Rhys Meyers called "Something Inside." This song, unlike the one discussed earlier, has both the melody and the lyrics working together in the same level of pain to really impact the listener more effectively. Right from the start, the first thing we here is the cello. The cello, in this song, was a great choice because of just the way its being played, you start feeling the, for lack of a better word, pain. More so, you see this in the transition from the cello solo to the lyrics, right on the last note. In my case, as i started listening to the lyrics, I noticed that the singer's scratchy voice also plays a major role. Because of his scratchy voice, you kind of get the sensation that he is really feeling the emotions he portrays in his lyrics; you definitly wouldn't think he's faking it or just singing the song for the sake of singing. It keeps the song cool, calm, and real.

Nonetheless, without a doubt, I would say that this is the most effective break up song. Plato would have probably liked it, too. Aside from that, I think the fact that it has both the melody and the lyrics positively working for the pupose of the song, makes it a great nomination.

This is Ana Navarro by the way.


Ms. Levine said...

These are both EXCELLENT nominations. Take your cue from them:

1. Use the "joining the conversation" template to begin your argument.
2. Respond to the Phil Collins argument, and the arguments of your fellow students as well.
3. Use the topic sentence cheat sheet to identify patterns of techniques at work
4. Use the mood cheat sheet (or your own head) to describe specific details and their effects.

I hate George Michael, but after reading Jasmin's argument, I will go and listen again.

michoakana said...



Ms. Levine said...

1. You must tell us your given name; no credit without it.

2. Remember, this analysis involves citing specific details from your song and explaining their effects. The entry above will hopefully come back and do those things!

Anonymous said...

-Justyna Here....Period 3

I agree with everyone else when they say that Phil Collins' "Against All Odds" is a good song because it sets sort of a sad mood. He explains how all he can do is watch as she walks away and he wishes that she could turn back and come back to him. Even though this is a good song it may not be as effective. I have to agree with Michoakana and her song choice of "F*** You (I Don't Want You Back) by EAMON. It may use foul language, but maybe that helps him in sending a message that break ups hurt. In this song, Eamon sings that: "I gave you all, of my trust
I told you, i loved you, now thats all down the drain" - he gave this girl everything he could, his love and trust and she basically let him down. Later he goes on to say: " F*** what i said it dont mean s*** now
F*** the presents might as well throw em out
F*** all those kisses, it didnt mean jack
F*** you, you h**, i dont want you back" ; these words are strong. They show that this guy is truely heartbroken. He says that what he told her doesn't mean anything now and the times they spent together should be forgotten alnog with everything else. He doesn't want anything to do with her anymore. A few other lines express how he hated the fact that she wanted to keep from him that she was with someone else while being with him and that he found out anyways....
This song seems to have a mostly positive effect. It's positive because the guy gets his point across through the language he uses. We get that he's upset and bitter, that the girl he though was the one turned out to be someone else and that he wants nothing to do with her. And like Michoakana said trust is something needed in a relationship. If the trust isn't there then usually the love gets lost somewhere along the way too.......

Anonymous said...

Some people today believe that the song “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins is the most effective break up song ever made. True it is straight forward but this is not what fiction or art is supposed to do. Fiction is supposed to take you to another place, to open your mind, not be obvious to your point. Just like Plato said “And I think that you must have observed again and again what a poor appearance the tales of poets make when stripped of the colours which music puts upon them, and recited in simple prose. Also “Against All Odds” is very repetitive with its words. Therefore my nominee for the best break up song is “So Sick” by Ne-Yo. This song is able to do what fiction is meant to do. It uses diction and imagery to paint a picture of break up. “Gotta change my answering machine because now it says that we can’t come to the phone” involves imagery because we can see and hear the answering machine. Through this techniques we are able to take to a different place . “So sick of love songs, so tired of tears, so done with wishing you were still her” uses diction which also contributes to the overall effect. A effective break up song needs to be able to let you move on and release your problems which Aristotle says fiction is supposed to do “art should create catharsis, or purging of the emotions“.

nansi25 said...

this is nancy catalan

best break up songs: You by switchfoot.
link: [please click and hear. it's very nice. =)]

And I find peace
When I'm confused
I find hope when
I'm let down
Not in me
But in You

This song uses diction and the sound of its melody to enhance a light-hearted & comfort mood. This part of the songs helps support Aristole's phisophy when he states "objects which in themselves we view with pain, we delight to contemplate.....". The lyrics say "I find hope when
I'm let down"" showing that sometimes we need pain to realize what we deserve. Like in a relationship break up, after we cry and it helps realize what we want, and sometimes it's to contiue a relationship. The melody it self it's very calming and peacful. Especially when the violins have there own solo, it enhances more of that sad, yet comforting mood. This song is better the collins because the melody is more calming. Compared to the drums and the violins. The violins play that part that makes you feel the emotion when someone has been through a very hard breakup and all they seak for is comfort at the moment.

nansi25 said...

i meant to say the drums in the collins song. [sorry] -nancy

hinderedxpresion said...
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kristaC said...

This is Krista

Even though, Phil Collins' song "Against All Odds" is a good break up song in my oppion. I have never been through a break up in order say that I know exactly what I'm talking about. The song "Against All Odds" has a staight forward meaning, but it does tug at the heart. The song that I have resently listened to is "Time for Me to Fly" by REO Speedwagon, I see this as an effective break up song. The lyrics of the begining of the song suggest that the person breaking up is the one that is really in love, but the other person is causeing pain. "I make you laugh and you make me cry" point the love that is happening in the relationship. Also the part that makes a person in the situation think is the line "I know it hurts to say good buy but its time for me to fly." This line shows that its not easy, but breaking up is somthing that needs done. There is a person in the relationship that needs let go in order to grow.

"Time for Me to Fly" puts the listener into the situation, even if they have never been before. This if what a fiction and art is ment to be according to Plato and Aristotle. So this is why its not only a effective break up song, but also fits what art and fiction is ment to be.

This song may not be what most people see as a break up song, but this song put the listener into a new mood. This song is more for the person who is ready to get over the break up. This is because the beat of the song is soft and saddening in the begining, then at the end the beat get a little more up and it gives of a better mood.

Link(if you want to listen to it):

Anonymous said...

I agree that, “Against All Odds” by Phil Colin’s should be nominated as the best break-up song ever. Phil Colin’s words choice enhances the idea that an awful break-up has just accrued. In the beginning the repeats Colin’s sings, “You’re the only one who really knew me now.” He brings the idea that his former lover was the and always will be the only person who really knew the true person. These are usually the feelings that people think after a bad break-up. Toward the end of the song the tempo raises. Varies lyrics sang by Colin’s brings the sense that, he would do anything and everything to win his former love back. This means even being rejected by her again. Between the emotional lyrics and harmonies of the song it is clear to say that “Against All Odds” by Phil Colin’s is the best break-up song ever.

Alexandra R. Castro said...

Alexandra Castro
Despite the fact that Phil Collins is a good break up song i think that Brian McKnight's song "One Last Cry" is the Best break up song.
(Its actually been voted the best break-up song by several websites.)
Similiarly to Phil Collins song, One Last Cry has a very mellow beat that seems to soothe the listener into a calm state. This is effective because the listener already feels comfortable in McKnights voice as it sends a sensitive tone to the mending heart. McKnights talented voice is a great advantage because he is able to put passion in every word so it sounds more believeable. The listener can then trust McKnights words and feel like its okay to cry one last time like Mcknight because of his vocals. The lyrics of the songs are also important because he kept repeating at the end " i guess im down... i gues im down .. to my last cry. So he lets the listener know that its okay to let all of your emotions out before u move on. So then the listeners feel like they are understood for still feeling awful about the break up and could cry if they want. so we can actually feel like Mcknight is there beside us supporting us and maybe passing us a piece of tissue.

Jessi-poo<3 said...

Jessica V.

I dont believe that Phil Collins song is the most effective breakup song ever. I would like to nominate "Hoja En Blanco" by Monchy y Alexandra. It is in spanish, but if you go to this website you can read the translated lyrics and the original ones. The lyrics in the blue type is the man singing and the red text is the woman singing. The bold black text is where they sing together.:

To hear the song go to:

First of all, although the Phil Collins song is effective, it doesnt do enough for me because it doesnt say the point of view of the woman. There is no story to it. He only says how he's going to miss her and why. There is not enough details about exactly what happened and why she was leaving. For all I know, he cheated on her. This whole song is trying to make the audiance feel what he feels but it would be different if he cheated on her. If this is the case I would not feel sorry for him at all. I think this is why the details are important. They would really make the audience compare themselves to him more.
A good fiction/art should give deatils to show exactly how the person is feeling, for what reason, and give a little background information. This will help the auidence to identify more with the artist.

In the song I chose, there is great detail. Monchy left on a train and left Alexandra without explanation. They had dreams to be together since they were small and he just left. When Monchy came back, he expected Alexandra to take him back no questions asked, but she was already married. She admits that she may still have feelings for him but for the old Monchy. She didnt know him any more. All this detail is in the song. We know exactly what happened. Some of the techinques that are important are imagery. The song describes how Alexandra truned her back on his friends when questioned of his return. Monchy describes the moon to show how obvious it was that she still loved him. Another extremely effective image is the image of Alexandra laying the arms of another man. The way he describes it and the wording he uses such as "I cry when thinking about you inthe arms of another man,"really shows how much he is hurting. It also uses alot of repetition which is key for the story. He continues to show how much he loves her and Alexandras repition of her unwillingness to take him back really drives home that she has moved on.

This song is more effective than Phil Collins' song because it uses more details and imagery in order to convince and draw the audience to relate with the artists.

ThatGirl..WithTheFace said...

Hi there, it's Dominika.

I agree with all those above me that agree that even though Phil Collins "Against The Odds" is a amazing song, it's just not the best break up song ever. I believe the best break up song would undoubtedly have to be "Maybe" by Secondhand Serenade.

It is an incredible song because it has a series of emotions all through out the song. Emotions that are clearly seen in numerous breakups like, anger," Your calm hard face makes me wish that I was never brought into this place" sadness," And I'll be crying alone tonight", self blame, "Maybe it's just me", and even hope "So just come back and I'll make it better then it ever was". This song is all the singer's emotions being let out in a way that he favors, like how Aristotle said "Because we can let go f it, the emotional intensity of art deepens us, whereas emotional intensity in life often just hardens us."
It's use of text and imagery, like the ring enhances the overall effects of the final steps of the ending relationships, as if now all ties between the two people are officially cut off.

Even though everyone else s songs are great ideal break up songs, my particular song is a tiny bit ahead, because of its words, and varying emotions, and because the lyrics aren't about how they felt after the breakup, it's what there feeling during it.

Chellie said...

In general, I think the Phil Collins's, "Against All Odds" is too slow and depressing. However, the Postal Service's version of the song is more upbeat, which bring your spirit up a little higher. I don't think drowing in your own tears for months listening to sad songs is the way to go. If you must listen to sad break-up songs, then the Postal Service one is better. I even listened to both to see how my emotions compared. Although the lyrics really made me feel kind of sad, the Phil Collins beat made me feel more sad and depressed than the Postal Service.
Fiction should be flexible, and we should be able to relate to it. The lyrics of this song are pretty general. For example, someone mentioned Ne-Yo's "So Sick". In it, he mentions something about their answering machine and about them picking up the phone. Not everyone can relate to that because maybe the couple didn't live together. Ficiton has to be something we can relate to.

ThatGirl..WithTheFace said...

Here is the link if you want it.

breezy said...

Although "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins is a great song for breaking up or ending relationships in general. However, I'm a lady who enjoys the theatre and so the breakup song i thought was most effective is "Take A Bow" by Rihanna. "But you put on quite a show, really had me going, now it time to go, curtains finally closing, that was quite a show very entertaining, but its over now, go on and take a bow." Thats the chorus to the song, this song evokes a sense of power freedom for females. At the end of the song, the female isnt "crying buckets of tears" Shes not "begging him to stay", she's bidding him farewell and not looking back, without being crude and vulgar. this song is a geart way to get rid of a cheating, lying, or just neglagent boyfriend. Thats why "Take A Bow" is a very effective breakup song.

Blanca said...

I disagree with the claim that "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins is the best break-up song ever made. I nominate "Caught in the Sun" by Course of Nature as the best break-up song. Don't get me wrong, "Against All Odds" is a great break-up song, but I do not believe that it is the BEST.

"Caught in the Sun" is the best break-up song ever because of 3 important lines.

The first is:
I'd give anything just to hear your voice
This is one of the first lines in the song. It creates a sense of yearning and desire. After a break-up it is normal for a person to keep longing to be with the person they just broke up with or have been dumped by.

Another line is:
You are there for me. This I hope and pray. Here the tone is very hopeful. After a break-up a person just wants to hang on to every little piece of hope.

The third line I chose is:
Will you wait for me or will I be too late this time? This line shows that the artist feels doubtful that he will ever be reunited with the person he loves.

Compared to "Against all Odds" this song uses more original metaphors. It has a deeper explanation of the situation and isn't as repetitive as "Against All Odds". That's why I believe it is better.

Anonymous said...

Hey it's Nina Kuang.

I think Phil Collin's song "Against All Odds" is a effective song in which it does expresses the feelings of people who just broke up, empathizing with those people. However, I believe a better break up song would be "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis.

I think "Bleeding Love" is the most effective in which the speaker actually describes the feeling of falling in love. In her second stanza she says

"But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melts into the ground
Found something true"

in which she describes that special connection with the person. In the next stanza she says

"But I don't care what they say
I'm in love with you
They try to pull me away
But they don't know the truth
My heart's crippled by the vein
That I keep on closing
You cut me open and I"

and begins describing the actual break up itself, where she can't forget that person. The words 'try to pull me away' especially the word 'try' and 'pull' creates a clingy [I don't think I'm using the right word] mood, where it really empathizes with the listener of just really wanting to hold on. She adds towards the idea of 'holding on' in the next stanza with the lines
"But nothing's greater than the risk that comes with your embrace
And in this world of loneliness
I see your face"

where she feels hurt but still wants to hold on. It creates a mood of desperation within the reader, like in Kline's discussion, where she doesn't want to meet new people or be cheered up. And again, the speaker of the song does all this with a desperate tone. The main part where the speaker empathizes with the audience would be the chorus where she repeats bleeding love six or seven times. This repetition is like 'onomatopoeia' where the sound describes the action [I noe it doesn't make sense really, it does in my head]. But this repetition is like actual bleeding, where the blood comes gushing out from a deep cut, where it doesn't stop and keeps gushing and gushing.

Overall, her desperate tone in delivering the song while also the repetition of "bleeding love" really empathizes with the listener. I believe because of these techniques she uses along with her attempt to describe the actual love itself makes it better then any other breakup song. In other songs, such as Collins, describes the relationship itself.

Bleeding Love

Lyrics were provided by:
< >

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm JoAnna Fernandez (1st per.)I totally agree with the statement that "Against All Odds" is a good song; however, saying that it is the best break up song ever is taking it too far. When I first heard the song I couldn't really relate to it, and I think that was the main issue with it. I'm not saying that other people couldn't relate to it. I think that different people deal with break-ups in different ways. I know me personally, when I broke up with an ex-boyfriend, I didn't really listen to alot of break up songs. I think that people listen to break up songs according to the type of break up the relationship ended on. For example, there are more than one type of break up, and therefore, when the question of the most effective break up songs comes into play, it depends on the type of break up. It depends on whether it was a break up for the better or a break up for the worst. I think that the songs that are generally the most effective are the songs that dont blame a specific person for the break up. In other words the hard break ups. I personally think the most effective song also depends on your age because I think a big reason why I couldn't relate to the song was because of my age. I think the most effective break up song is Chris Brown "Goodbye". First the melody, taps into your emotions in the way that someone who just broke up with someone needs. I also think the fact that Chris Brown is in my age group played a huge role also. Also, in his song, he wants to break up with his girlfriend but it was so hard because they had been together for so long, and basically the song tells you that there is "never a right time" to break up with somebody and you have to make the right decision for yourself even if someone gets hurt(which always happens). Also, Chris Brown's tone in this song really makes you feel apart of his story, in the same way that people turn to fiction. When fictional characters and/or incidents are about the same incidents that occur in reality, it makes things easier to cope with because you make a connection with such characters and you don't feel alone. It's just like when someone breaks up with their boy/girlfriend, and they don't want to be around their friends who still have boy/girlfriends because they don't feel how that person feels at that particular moment. Also, when he sings, it sounds like he's crying, which is probally what the person listening to the song is doing. Also, the chorus, "there's never a right time to say goodbye", is really true because people normally take a while to break up because it's hard. I basically think its more effective because it taps into your emotions with tone, word choice, and fiction, all areas of which I think Phil Collins didn't do so great of a job in.

Anonymous said...

also, i personally thought the drums in the Phil Collins song was ineffective.

Miriam Meza said...

Hello This is Miriam Meza

As agreed by many,"Against All Odds" by Phil Collins is a good song.However, in my opinion "So Sick" by Ne-Yo is the most effective break up song EVER.

a.This song does the things that fiction/art should do because in my believe this song makes you feel the exact emotions someone would feel after a break up.It has word choice that explains one's feelings who is going through a break up.If some one has never experienced a break up, the song would helps to feel the emotions exactly as if one was in the situation.

b.The specific overall effects the song actually creates is that it makes one feel the emotions expressed in the song such as sadness yet being pulled back of "wishing she(for girls:he) was still here."The beat to the song as well is slow yet has a bit of an up beat which in a way shows some one's feelings after a break in which you want to move on but you can't.Just like Aristotle said, it creates "catharsis."

c. The techniques used to create this effect is imagery.
For example: "Gotta fix that calender I have
That's marked July 15th"
This shows how he's sad and wants to get over the break up by changing the calender however is being pulled back since he keeps doing it.
There is also repetition of the phrase "Why can't I turn off the radio?" This demosntrates as well how he wants to turn off teh radio (forget about her) however can't since the love songs remind him of her.
Lastly, the song uses end rhyme at the end of each verse (I forgot what that
it's called:( )
For example: "" and ""

d.This song is a more effective break-up song than Collins' song, or any other song nominated by anyone else on the blog because the words as well as the beat/rhythm expresses someone's mood and feelings after a break up. THe song gives off a variety of emotions unlike "Against the Odds" in which the song just expresses sadness.

Sternuens said...

Hey, this is Diana Arechar
While I agree that the Phil Collins song was effective, I cannot agree that it was the most effective break up song. For one, it’s not really my style of music and I didn’t find myself connecting to message. Obviously, I felt that the sadness was true and well expressed but I wanted to feel more than sadness and the song didn’t help me feel that. I saw myself agreeing with Plato’s Republic on this song because I felt that Phil Collins’ song was only and imitation and “the truth [he] never reach[ed].”
In my opinion ‘What Happened to Us?’ by Hooobastank is the most effective break up song. This song expresses the confusion that comes with a break up (What happened to us? We used to be so perfect) and the desperate plea of trying to work things out (we could have made it work, we could have found a way. we should of have done our best to see another day.) The audience can relate to the song because it imitates the reaction that most people would have after a break up which is to question why it happened.
I like the fact that the song isn’t too cheesy, the only word I can really describe the Phil Collins song, and it is sung with a sense of anger that changed to misery. I like this technique because I think this is how someone feels when they break up. First you feel anger then sadness, or the other way around, but it keeps changing from the two feelings. While listening to the song I couldn’t help but keep nodding in agreement and think ‘this really makes sense to me.’ It had a positive effect on me because it made me feel better that someone felt the same way and expressed my feelings in one song. While listening to this song I could understand Aristotle’s argument in Poetics, “Objects which in themselves we view with pain, we delight to contemplate when reproduced.” I was glad to hear the song, even though it was a painful view of a break up because it was easy to relate to it.
The song also uses good word choices that express the feeling that come after a break up, such as “emptiness”, “lost”, “lonely”, and “alone”. These words create a sense of belonging and help the audience cope with the loss of someone close. Overall, I would rather hear this song than the Phil Collins song or any other song, if I had gone through a breakup.

gina said...
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Jon Martinez said...

Hello! It's Jon Martinez from 3rd Period :]

Though I agree with Louis in saying Phil Collins' "Against all Odds" does use tempo and lyrics at certain points to heighten feelings, I don't think it's the most impacting break-up song. I would have to say the song "What I Did For Love" from the musical A Chorus Line (I knooow another musical just bare with me) is the most effective and impacting break up song.

"What I Did For Love" From A Chorus Line (Don't mind the lines in the begining about dancing)

In the song "What I Did For Love" we first hear soft chims one by one, this creates an atmosphere of loneliness.

"Kiss today goodbye
the sweetness and the sorrow
wish me luck
the same to you..."

These opening lyrics already tell us that this is a song about saying goodbye and the lyrics make it possible to put yourself on
either side of this story; the one telling it or hearing it.

"But I can't regret
what I did for love,
what I did for love
Look my eyes are dry.
The gift was ours to borrow.
It's as if we always knew,
And I won't forget
what I did for love,
What I did for love..."

the first lines of this verse can give you a sense of trying to convince ones self that they're is a good reason they're doing what they're doing. Then they go on to to say what they had was a gift and it was just borrowed, so it was inevitable that it was going to be given back. The repetition of "What I did for love" strengthens the self convincing what they're doing is not in vain.

Love is never gone.
As we travel on,
Love's what we'll remember.
Kiss today goodbye,
And point me t'ward tomorrow.
We did what we had to do.
Won't forget, can't regret
What I did for love..."

This next verse is the "reassurance" verse, reassuring that they'll always remember this love but they have to move on no matter what and accept whats happen.

The inevitable peak that all break up songs, including Phil Collins' "Against All Odds" get to is the adding of drums and other instruments to the chorus. In the case of "What I Did For Love" they add a chorus of people but as the song draws to a close it comes down to one voice singing the "reassurance" line "What I Did For Love" a voice that could be our own telling us what we did was the right thing. We are then again rejoined by the soft, one by one, chimes.

gina said...

I really think my song is the best.

Rob17 said...
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Rob17 said...

Phil Collins' Against All Odds' definitely has that break-up song quality. It has the melody and stanza transition provides a dramatic but meaningful tone to it. The series of increasing stanza transition with the higher drum volumes empathizes Aristotle point of Catharsis, his voice also staggers which corresponds with a higher level of emotion. The emotional impact grows stronger with higher level of the drums. Until the song goes off. Certain quotes he says such as "your the only one who really knew me at all" makes you really sympathize with him and sharing his feelings. It also makes you kinda tear up as you listen to the song. However this song has negative effects for one by Phil saying "Take a look at me now", it gives the person who broke up with him the dominant power. While Phil is lonely, hurt and depressed because of the break up the person he was with isn't sharing that same pity which gives them the power, it makes him look weak. But overall, I believe that is song provides a excellent breakup song experience but I wouldn't say the best.

So what song is the best to me?

Well my pick is "Burn" by Usher Raymond.

The reason why I chose this song is because what these two songs have in different is that the Burn's melody and sounds tend to agree with the sounds of the singer. I think was is ironic about this song is that Usher uses the word Burn as a Metaphor to his own relationship. When you think of burning you think of destruction with a momentary final decision to burn. This is what Usher is trying to figure out, if his decision to burn his relationship was the right one."Deep down you know its best for yourself but you hate the thought of her being with someone else". Usher seems like he is fighting the burn because he wants to be with this person but then he doesn't. I think this part is also exceptional and identifiable because Usher talks in this 3rd person voice, so it seems like he is talking to you and himself, which is ironic but most songs don't do this and it helps you identify his situation a lot more. The beginning of the song starts off with harmonic sounds and his voice, displays his sympathy and we can recognized his heartbreak in the first 15 seconds of the songs of the song. What I find really interesting is that Usher uses phrases " But I think your gonna change, I do but you don't I think its best we go our separate ways", this emphasizes the feeling that we get throughout the entire course of the song. He uses this line to create a sense of perceive, he didn't want to give up on the relationship, he actually shared the decision to give up the relationship. I believe this is were Phil Collins song failed, he instead had a defeatist attitude that he had about his other half, that allowed him to be powerless and made him seem as though he actually gave up with trying to get back with his other half. This is why I believe this song is more effective than Phil Collins.

This is Robert Slay!!!!

Maria GhHHARR bahnn Zo said...

Hi. My name is Maria and I am an alcoholic.

Just kidding.

First of all, I would like to say that I really like the song by Phil Collins. I believe he can pull off all the uses cliché very well. I have to say that I feel that the song “Whenever you Remember” by Carrie Underwood beats his. This song fits what fiction should do, as it is poetry to the soul by expression of pain, memories, and people who you lost from our lives. Like Aristotle says, “we delight to contemplate when reproduce with minute fidelity: such as the forms of the most ignoble animals and of dead bodies”, this song achieves to contemplate times of pain, not to the extent of dead bodies though, but of memories. Memories that can help you grow as a person. We the people appeal to this form of art, as Plato suggests how artists are imitators and copy images of virtue we all relate to. By Carrie Underwood not being specific on her story, it gives us the chance to imagine ourselves in the situation, and the vague but limitless possibility of remembering a loved one.
The overall effects this song creates are those of a sense of happiness. They bring back memories, but not to the extent of “emo” or very sad memories that you just cannot live without, like in my boy Phil’s song when he says “So take a look at me now,
'cos there's just an empty space” it’s just too cliché and the experience is about growing, not feeling depressed about it. What appealed to me the most about Carrie’s song is how it takes the positive side of a breakup to make you look back on the good times you had. Of course it has to be sad, what breakup song isn’t, but it gives a good sense of hope when it says “Whenever you remember, I'll be there
Remember how we reached that dream together
Whenever you remember”

The techniques used to make this song seem so positive and hopeful about a breakup first of all are the whole “remember” thing. Like I mentioned before, Carrie puts us in a situation where you feel pain through memories, but it is a healthy pain that one can relate to, be sad about, yet not slit one’s wrist. It is really general, so that everyone can relate to it. Also, the fact that Carrie Underwood is a county singer helps! Her voice is inspiring. She did win American Idol, and I think voice has a lot to do with effectiveness. Phil Collins, it is too sad. With Carrie, I feel like I can sing to the top of my lungs, with tears running down my face and yelling “das my girl, I feel ya”. When you think back on all we've done
I hope you're proud
When you look back and see how far we've come
It was our time to shine
And nobody could hold us down
They thought they'd see us fall
But we, we stood so tall
And no we won't forget

So I think I already explained why its more effective than my boy Collin’s song. I just saw some other song on the blog I think its “I don’t’ want you back by eaman??? Samara said it. Point is, I feel that that song is really not effective. Not only the swear words and the vulgar aspect, but the fact that the relationship seems to be more physical than anything. Swearing at a girl, I don’t know it just isn’t sweet and it doesn’t relate to me at all. Maybe that is why.

Jon Martinez said...

I would just like to say I do agree with Gina in saying "I Will Survive" By Gloria Gaynor is a good song but I have to say this, to go "up" wouldn't you have to go "down" first? I mean being strong is what we need to end up doing but doesn't learning what we need to be strong for first needed? Don't we need to wallow in self pity before we can pick up the pieces?

Epiphany617 said...

LaNia West...

Oddly enough I actually enjoyed "Against All Odds" but I feel that it isn't the best break up song EVER. The song that I feel is the best break up song ever is "I Can't Stop Loving You" by Kem.

I believe fiction should tell a story and shouldn't be so surreal. When I think of fiction I think of something light and airy, something to help you escape the harshness of reality. My idea of the best break up song is something that uplifts my spirits and helps me focus on the positive things in the relationship and sadly Phil Collins depresses me and the mood he sets is one of desperation.

"I think about the day I met the perfect stranger, I think about us.
And I think about the day I got wrapped around your fingers, I think about us.
The sun was shinning on you
The lord was smiling on me
And love was calling us I had my mind made up."

In the first verse of this song by Kem just the imagery and tone of his voice as he sings these precious words sooth my soul and I feel at ease. In this song he doesn't focus on the fact that the woman in his life walked away without looking back or invoke:

"So take a look at me now, oh there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me,"

Instead he focuses on the fact he can't stop loving her because she gave him things and shared moments with him that no one else has, or could ever come close to reaching. He explains why he loves her so much, and why he just simply can't stop loving her. The melody and harmony of this song help to emphasize the point that he is trying to make. Unlike Phil Collins, Kem isn't so "straight to the point" or "this is what happen and this is how I feel" with his song. He leaves open room for your own interpretation.

"That I can't stop loving you
I can't help myself
And I can't get over you
No matter what I tell myself baby
Yea Yea
I can't stop loving you (stop loving you girl)
No matter how hard I try
And I can't get over you baby
And I don't know why"

I believe this song does the things that fiction should do is because as Aristole said art creates a catharsis, and this song definately helps purge your emotions.

yesenia said...

Overall, I agree that “Against all odds” by Phil Collins is the most effective breakup song ever made. Using beginning, and sound techniques, Phil Collins invites the audience to feel the pain that he felt when he experienced the situation he wrote about in this song.

In the book “Poetics”, Aristotle explains why people enjoy the arts, and fiction. In summary, Aristotle believes that people learn more through fictional sources. He also believes that people enjoy to hear about dreadful situations, when others turn them into an art form such as a poem or a song. On the other hand, in his own works, Greek Philosopher Plato believes that fiction does nothing but imitate reality, and doesn’t tell the entire truth. When you take out the fictional creatures and fantasy world, there is really nothing behind the story. I agree with Aristotle. People enjoy fiction, because it pulls them into an entirely different world. When a person has such an awful experience, writing that experience into a song, or making it into any other type of art form, could turn it into something beautiful, and ultimately help you cope with your emotions.

In “the Breakup” Starlee Kline is experiencing a bad breakup with a person whom she really cared for; she feels that the only way to deal with this situation would be to write a song. She has heard many “ breakup songs”, but the song that she said had the most effect on her was “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins. The beginning of “Against All Odds” sets the stage for the rest of the song in many ways. The first line of the song is “ how can I just let you walk away, just let you leave without a trace”. This phrase creates an atmosphere of melancholy. Without even looking at the title, it is obvious that someone really important left the song writer’s life. Starlee Kline’s boyfriend broke up with her, she made a reference to this song. She told him “ how could you just walk away, I’m the only one who really knew you at all.” it is obvious that the first line stuck with her. This song had some true meaning to her, because the first time she listened to it was with him. After they broke up, she listened to more Phil Collins songs, and she said “ nothing could have conveyed how I was feeling better than his songs.” After hearing this song, and Aristotle’s view on the purpose of fiction, I believe that this song does do the things that fiction should do. The purpose of fiction, is to turn something unpleasant, into something beautiful, and in this case pleasing to the ear, so that your emotional human needs could be met, and your message could be let out.
this is yesenia :-P

Ms.Tiffy said...

This is Tiffany Tsang (First Period)

Link to the song that I nominated.

High School Musical 2 – Gotta Go My Own Way
Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens

A. I believe that the song, “I Gotta Go My Own Way” creates a better atmosphere and gives us a picture of what is happening. The reason why I think that is because the song sets up a scenario for us to picture in our head, and especially the fact that I have actually seen High School Musical 2 gives me more of a picture. Since this song was created for a teenager movie, therefore, many of us can tie back to the song.
B. The song “I Gotta Go My Own Way” allows us to feel how the singers are feeling and the overall affect. The song also allows us to know that there is something going on within their relationship and gives us the setting of what is going on.
C. The melody of the song stays within range with and the tone the singer (mainly the girl) sings in gives us a sense of frustration and sadness. As for Phil Collin’s song, the melody and the sudden drums do not have an effect at all whatsoever. Instead it creates a way of disturbance within the song. The way the singers sing in “I Gotta Go My Own Way” was more of a conversational song with each other which gives us more of a ideal perspective of the situation.
D. Being a teenager we can always tie back to the song “I Gotta Go My Own Way” since this song was written for teenagers. As for “Against All Odds” was written by an artist that went through a divorce and was motivated to write the song. Even though we can still tie to the song it is more created for older audiences. Everyone’s nominations are also effective as well like “Bleeding Love” by Leona Lewis.

Phoenix said...

While the song "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins is said to be the most effective break up song by countless people. I tend to differ, while the song is able to convey the dramatic feeling of loss and empty feeling of being unable to hold on "we shared the laughter even the tears" .This line I would like to say is the most effective one through the whole song. It paints a small simple picture which could be interpreted as yourself or him remembering the memories of his love. While i know that this song is a piece of art it lacks something, perhaps the song is too slow and perhaps i will be the only one to agree with my song choice. I didn’t choose a break up song in the conventional sense it’s a bit angry.l I think that the only reason we listen to break up songs is for something intangible. Understanding. That someone has loved like you have and that putting yourself through that little extra amount of pain of listening to a break up song will not cure your heartbreak but give you comfort in the fact that you’re not alone. Or that maybe if we listen to the song our love will magically change their mind and come back. While art as described by Aristotle is said to “deepen us, where as emotional intensity hardens us” I agree with this, but I don’t feel that with Phil Collins song. It maybe the piano or the lack of intensity I feel in his words, my choice may be worse for other listeners. My song is angry and persistent something I like. While Collins song could be considered universal…to an extent. The song I choose is by Alanis Morissett “You Ought to Know”. This song shows the anger of how she felt lied to. Because he said I love you even though it obviously wasn’t love since he moved on. The way the song speeds up and you can hear the anger in her voice it proves her point. She isn’t moping around she is not ashamed, she is a proud reminder of what that guy is missing and what better song is there than to move one while showing your anger? Maybe it’s the only song that I could be able to relate to since id be too upset being lied to rather than listening to Phil Collins sing his heart out trying to say that even though his words are true, his ending is far from happy and that brings no closure he is still empty by the end of the song. At least by the end of Alanis Morisssett’s song “Well, I'm here to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know” She doesn’t shy away, she walks and isn’t afraid to speak her mind while other love songs are perfectly cliché. Lines like “ I cant live without you” or “I miss you” are used countless number of time all begging or at least hoping that their love will come back. But, it wont happen because love was a gamble that they took and while it was great while it lasted it seems to have put restrictions on thoughts and memories making you feel worse. Alanis doesn’t paint a pretty picture but she accomplishes something she walks and remains a reminder because that is what he has done to her. Other songs don’t say “I’m moving on and gonna love again” they say something to the effect “im never going to be the same” and it makes me feel hopeless. I don’t like hopeless songs I don’t like entirely happy endings either but at least she doesn’t mope.
Erika Marquez

Munkey_Luver09 said...

-Desiree Portalatin 3rd Period

First I'll like to say what I believe what fiction/art should do. I think it's a combination of what Plato and Aristotle said. Plato's idea was about the imagery, sound, and diction, whereas Aristotle was more about emotions. I believe you can't have one with out the other, so this is why I believe both ideas in a way, are true.

"Against All Odds" by Phil Collins is not the most effective song. Though it's a very good song, I believe there are more effective songs than that. The song I believe is most effect is "Change On Me" by Cynthia. I'm not sure if everyone will know which song I'm referring to because this song is freestyle genre ("flashback"), and not everyone today listens to that genre (but I highly encourage it!!).

This song uses diction and some imagery to create an overall effect of sadness. Imagery can be found in the lines one and two, "When we met, it all happened so fast, you said you loved me and that it would last,". One can picture someone actually saying this to them (especially those who have been in the "love stage" of a relationship).

“But now it seems that it was all a lie, and all my love for you will soon pass you by. My love for you will never be the same, my heart still aches from the sorrow and the pain, time has come for me to say goodbye,
although the precious times will never leave my mind,” lines 3-6. These lines uses diction in the lyrics to help shape feelings of betrayal. One can relate to this because they feel betrayed if the person they loved lied to them, causing grief and pain. Despite the fact a person is trying to move on from a breakup, they never really forget their love.

Cynthia uses a similar technique in the lines 9-12. “Why did you have to change on me, your love was so easy and sweet, oh boy, I gave you all my time, but why couldn't I make you mine.” People tend to feel that they “give it all” they can in a relationship, so once the relationship is over, they tend to question themselves on what they did wrong, and not their partner.

If someone is going through a breakup, they are more likely going to listen to breakup songs than “happy” songs. Many might disagree with me on this point ® Most breakup songs have a slow and depressing melody, I would much rather listen to a breakup song where the beat isn’t so slow that it would make me fell more upset about the situation.

The 1st link is to hear the song and the 2nd is to read the lyrics.

♥♚Lau♥ said...

...Laurel Carney..period 01...Well, at first, I was going to nominate Rihanna's "Take A Bow," (and yes i know the song has become played out), but i changed my mind after listening to "Break-Up" and Phil Collins song. I was going to nominate Rihanna's song solely because it pertains perfectly to my last break-up. The song empowered me and made me feel better and that's what I believe a great break -up song is supposed to do. Once I heard the radio show, I started to see both sides... and Starlee Kline even states that a good break-up song doesn't make you feel better, but lets you sulk in your emotions too the fullest extent. Not pertaining to my last break-up, I can agree with her when I think of break-ups in the past that those are the best break-up songs. So, in terms of the break-ups where you are the "breakee" and not the "breaker", I believe Phil Collins song is the greatest. The beat is very sad emotion provoking. He sings it through his heart and truely means every word he says, and because of this we feel as if he can completely relate to what we are going through as "breakees". This feeling is the hot chocolate for us at the time. We recieve the most comfort from it without us feeling empowered. But personally, I enjoy feeling strong and not this isn't really my "forte". Personally I think that everything that Starlee Kline did was too much and un-necessary, but the show was amusing and exposed me to another point-of-view.

hinderedxpresion said...
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[freebooter]o_0 said...

As much as I am going to regret this later...I have to say that I totally agree with Gina.

She's beyond right. Why wallow self-pity? Personally, I wouldn't like to sit in my couch eating ice cream and cookies while listening to a song that is only going to make me eat more cookies and ice cream. Not only would I be hurting myself, but I would also be getting fat!

Once you finish something, MOVE ON!

p.s. Gina, dont you think you are super cool? hehe

angelica91 said...

Angelica Alcaraz

I have to say that "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins is a really good and effective song. However, I don't agree with the statement that it is the best break up song ever. I think the most effective break up song is "Yesterday" by The Beatles.

a)I believe this song does what I believe fiction is because I think and believe that fiction is kind of something that is fake but making it real in an abstract way. For example, in the song "Yesterday" by the Beatles some of the lyrics like "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away/Now it looks as though they are here to stay" also lyrics like "Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be/There's a shadow hanging over me". Another part of the song is "Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play/Now I need a place to hide away". I say this song really shows what I believe fiction is because in this song by the Beatles they are singing the song, but they are doing it abstractly. They are not straight forward saying things like: oh why did you leave me, I miss you, You are my everything, etc. In this song by the Beatles, they are not straight forward saying those very typical break up lines.

b)The overall effects of the song is that it is really effective because it does a good job making you feel in the moment. The choice of the abstract words really convey this feeling. The melody of the song is so calm and soothing which really conveys this calm positive effect. There is also a lot of rhyming in the song so it makes it easier for the audience to follow the lyrics and melody which makes this song really effective.

c)The techniques used in the song that makes it very effective is the point of view. The poin of view is in first person so that helps you figure out the tone a lot easier. The tone of the speaker is sad or depressed. This is very effective because with the tone it also helps convey the mood and usually the mood will end up being the same as the tone. This will make it very effective because like Starlee Kline had said feeling that pain or sadness as you hear the song makes you feel good as well. Therefore, it makes the song very effective. There is also imagery of the effects of the breakup like the lyrics of the song said "There's a shadow hanging over me". You can clearly see that shadow in your head in which you relate to that sadness and depression.

d)Unlike Phil Collins song which says things like "You're the only one who really knew me at all" also "And there's nothing left here to remind me,just the memory of your face". These lyrics are just saying straight forward about the breakup which is not what the song "Yesterday" by The Beatles do. "Yesterday" represents fiction because they talk about something fake and make it real in abstract way.

I also agree with Diana's choice of song because she does have a point when she said that the song can be related to everyone because everyone who ever went through a breakup felt that.

Here is the link to the song

hinderedxpresion said...
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Kasia said...

Katarzyna Razniak. Period: 1

I would agree in saying tha Phil Collin's "Against All Odds" is an effective break up song but only to a certain degree. Collin's song only covers one emotion that is felt after a break up and that is grief. The entire title of the song is "Against All Odds (Take a look at me now)" which initially threw me off. I was excite for him to sing the part " take a look at me now" because i thought he was going to say that now he is better off or at least doing better, but it is completely the opposite. He just continues to say how empty he is which is a complete downer, and there is only so long that you can wollow in your own sorrow. We all heard the woman on the radio broadcast say how she liked feeling terrible and that was simply unnatural and strange which further brings down Collin's song.

An effective break up song should cover both the saddness and anger that comes with a break up, and that is why i believe Avril Lavigne's "My Happy Ending" is the most effective break up song. The song starts out with "Lets talk this over, its not like we're dead, was it something i did was it something you said?" The shows the slight regret most people have after seperating and how they try to retrace the relationship to find where things went wrong.

The chorus emphasizes the mixed emotions that come with a break up.

You were everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me, just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

It starts out vulnerable and deeply honest, and then there is a slight anger and bitterness when she sings "so much for my happy ending" as another way of saying "thanks a**hole you blew it."

In the secong verse, Avril also takes a stab at the "guy's" friends and his character in general because even if couples break up mutually there are still parts of the person that feel resentment and resort to random negative comments about the ex. After the cheap shot, Avril once again goes back to a sad place and says "nice to know we had it all, thats for watching as i fall" which evokes a deep grief that is brought up because of the feeling of dishonesty and shattered realities.

The song ends with "So much for my happy ending" with guitar and strong vocals but at the final point finishes with a soft "oh oh" which reveals the artists sadness masked by anger which many people who have been through break ups can relate to.

rAtEd☆sTaR☆eRiCa said...
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kanthony said...

I believe "Against All Odds" is a good song I don't believe it is as effective as "The One I Gave My Heart To" by Aaliyah. Fiction is suppose to tell a story that everyone can relate to in some manner. Aaliyah's song told the story of how a man whom she gave everything to and for just did the opposite of what she gave. This song can relate to a horrific breakup or even to a person that you love and cherish. This song creates a sense of sympathy towards the person who gave the heart away and a depressing mood. The audience feels sympathetic because any human being doesn't want feel betrayed by the person they love. Having a person take the dreams you told them from you is backstabbing and conniving. The song furthers help this arugement by have a stronger crecendo than Collin's song. The crecendo in Collin's song only introduced drums, and the drums weren't very powerful. In Aaliyah's song there was a key change alone with a stroger base line. In the final analysis, "The One I Gave My Heart To" is the best breakup song because not only does it shares the emotions after the break up but it loses the ambiguity of most break up songs by giving examples of why they broke up and the confusion it causes.

rAtEd☆sTaR☆eRiCa said...

Hej...I am Erica Castillo 3rd Period

Although Phil Collins "Against All Odds" is a great break up song. In contrast, I do not agree that it is the most effective beak up song. I think a better break up song would be Metro Station “Now that we’re done ( This song shows fiction of art when said “ Now that we’re done I’m so sorry Why did I lie I’m so sorry I know I hurt you I know I hurt you.” This shows some fiction because it’s not real at the moment to you, but you can relate to those few lines. This song is a piece of art to a guy or lady who had a relationship with someone and lost it due to lies. This song is also, a piece of art when said “Now I see you with him It’s was nothing like I thought it’d be I’ll break down for you” These words leads the audience to feel sad and feel that you lost someone and you can not expected someone to wait for you forever. Art and fiction give people hope about everything or someone. Art and fiction gives us a point of view that we never thought about. This song at first gives you art of something hopeful for yourself then goes right to reality that people will move on, so you should also move on.

The overall effect is positive in the beginning and then at the end the song is not as positive because now you are in reality. Most will say reality is not the best place to be at, you rather have your own world.

“Now that we’re done” is a good song fore most people. A lot of teens have boyfriends/girlfriends and when they break up, it’s a long roller coaster. “You still call my phone’ Cause you still want me I’ll tell my friends you're so annoying You’ll cry and curse when you're alone but laugh and flirt when we're on the phone.” These few lines are very true for teen relationships. For teen when they break up there is one of them always calling the other wanting them back and the other one tries to act cool with friends.

“Now that we’re done” is the best break song made now for the new generation.

kanthony said...

Kanthony =Kyle Anthony

Sevencer said...

Spencer Harstead:

"Against All Odds" is the worst song ever. Ok, maybe not, but it is definitely not the most effective break-up song ever.

I nominate "Epiphany" by Staind as the most effective break-up song and possibly the most powerful song in the world.

I believe that fiction and music in general is supposed to be a form of escape. This song is so descriptive and deep that it puts you right in Aaron Lewis's(vocalist) shoes. You can not only imagine but FEEL what he is going through during lines such as:
Your words to me
Just a whisper
Your face is so unclear
I try to pay attention
Your words just disappear

This always creates a sense of distortion for me that can only be accredited to losing someone important.
During the chorus we hear speedy drum taps which orchestrate perfectly with the chorus line It's always raining in my head. The drumming creates a sound similar to rain so that we hear exactly what goes through his head.

After the first chorus comes:
So I speak
To you in riddles
'Cause my words get in my way
I smoke the whole thing
To my head
And feel it wash away

This shows desperation. Desperation to communicate through "riddles" and desperation to escape through "smoke" or drugs. Although I do not agree with drug use, this clearly illustrates rock bottom which serious break-ups often bring out.
The song then explains why he is sinking to these levels...
'Cause I can't take anymore of this
I wanna come apart
And dig myself a little hole
Inside your precious heart

This has such a deep meaning. He wants to come apart, meaning he wants to give up on getting over the relationship and just metaphorically die inside of her heart. This is effective because it is something unheard of. It is such a desperate attempt to be a part of her. Since he can't be with her, he would settle for just being in her heart.

The third verse makes the audience feel pity toward the artist. I believe that when you are going through a break-up you long for sympathy and attention just to feel something.
I am nothing more than
A little boy inside
That cries out for attention
Yet I always try to hide

He cries out for attention then tries to hide. This is a huge tension that reveals indecisiveness. This often comes with the end of a relationship. Trying to figure out whether it was for the best or not is always a huge problem.

The next lines are:
'Cause I talk to you
Like children
Though I don't know
How I feel

This shows mental breakdown. Speaking like children is like losing your ability to speak logically. That is how much he is effected.
Next we hear:
But I know
I'll do the right thing
If the right thing
Is revealed

This emphasizes the indecisiveness as well as showing off innocence and submissiveness. He's willing to do whatever is right and whatever will make things better for him.

Ok. To get to the point..."Epiphany" is more effective than "Against All Odds" or any other song listed on here. I believe this for two reasons.
Unlike "Against All Odds", this song is more than one-dimensional. The only emotion revealed in "Against All Odds" is general sadness. He misses her and he wants her back. How cliche. That would never get him into college. In "Epiphany" we can feel many emotions. There is a very desperate sadness, indecision, and also discussion of mental suffering.
Another comparison is the sound of the songs. As Ana mentioned, the melody of the first song is not very sad. You can't see the pain in it. In "Epiphany", the music is soft, slow, and depressing. Aaron Lewis's voice alone does better justice to a break-up than Phil Collin's voice. Lewis uses a very effective change in tone throughout the song. This manifests the ups and downs that exist in a relationship, especially when it is over.

Anonymous said...

This is Ashley Hart.

Phil Collins song, "Against All Odds" is a very effective break up song but I disagree that it is the best break up song. I think that one of the most effective break up songs is "How Could You" by Mario. I believe that this song encompasses the feeling of the break instead of just telling the listener about it. Fiction should give you a sense of what is happeneing. You should be able to feel the heartache of Phil Collins song and although you can see it through his imagery you are unable to feel the pain that he has felt. With Mario's song he is very repetitive with his lyrics and wants the listener to know that this girl tore his heart out. When he says, "How could you teach him all the things I taught you," he is showing the feelings that he had for her not only physically but mentally. He wanted her to know everything he knew. He gave her a part of himself as a gift. This song seems to be more effective than any other song I've heard because it isn't simply that she cheated on him that hurt him. He was devoted to her one hundred percent and tried to connect with her so that he was truely in her heart. By her cheating on him and then leaving him she made him seem worthless.

anali91 said...

I think that Phil Collins's, "Against All Odds" is not the most effective breakup song ever. I think it depends on the person because everyone likes different styles of music. However, Phil Collin’s song does convey the sadness that he lived through during his breakup and the emptiness he feels now.
I think that a breakup song should not only make you feel sad but also hopeful. This is why Phil Collin’s song is not the best breakup song ever. It only produces one emotion, sadness, and it doesn’t make you feel anything else. A breakup song should make you feel like there’s someone out there that feels the same way you do. The song that I nominated is called “Lloro por ti” by Enrique Iglesias. The beat and the word choice make it more effective. It’s slow but it also has an upbeat, which shows how he’s feeling. It shows the mix emotions of a breakup. He wants to move on but he can’t. On the other hand, Collin’s song is just slow and only shows sadness. The song I nominated talks about how he really liked her and how when they broke up, his life was broken into pieces. He can’t forget about her because he still loves her. The word choice he uses to describe how he feels are really effective. For example, the phrase “dreaming that our relation would have some kind of remedy” makes you feel hopeful. The word choice also does what Aristotle says; “The emotional intensity of art deepens us, whereas emotional intensity in life hardens us.”
Anali Negrete

Thomas said...

Let's face it, "Against All Odds" is a pretty corny song. Whether it helps a heartbroken person find closure or not, it's difficult to listen past the corny synthesizers, and awful, dramatic drum introduction. Don't get me wrong, Phil Collins is a great songwriter and performer and in 1984 this song probably touched the hearts of millions of hormonal teens across America. However, we are living in a new age of music, where certain styles have become almost sarcastic.
The song that I've nominated is "Love Will Tear Us Apart" by Joy Division. The lyrics are pretty straightforward in this song and it has a sense of desperation, similar to what most people feel while going through an emotional ordeal.

"and resentment rides high,
but emotions won't grow,
and we're changing our ways,
taking different roads."

Lines like this are very general, yet heartfelt, and can fit under any circumstances of relationship problems.
"love will tear us apart again" means exactly that. The confusion and instability of love has driven this couple apart, and they're coming to realize their differences.
Even the voice of Ian Curtis (lead singer) is shaky and monotonous, which i think gives the song a more modest quality. Although the songs listed in previous entries are great, I feel that my choice is the best. It's short, sweet, and honest.

Here's the URL for the video:

-Tom Amaro

Ted said...

This is Ted Nowak (1st Period)

I disagree that Phil Collins' "Against All Odds" is the greatest break up song ever.

I DO agree however with michoakana's nomination of F*** It (Don't Want You Back) by Eamon.

Here is where you can hear it:

This song however is not the same breakup situation as demonstrated in "Against All Odds." In "Against All Odds" we can make the assumption that the singer had someone who left him while he still loved her. He expresses sadness in his song. In "F*** It" we can make the obvious assumption that the singer was being cheated on. He expresses anger in his song.

I feel this particular song ("F*** It") is an expression of pure emotion. That emotion is anger. The primary reason I am choosing this song is because I feel that it expresses its chosen emotion a lot stronger then how Phil Collins expresses his. This song makes you feel the anger whereas "Against All Odds" does not so much with sadness. One of the points of fiction (as stated by Plato) is for other people to make connections with it even though they have not experienced what is in the fiction. "Against All Odds" does indeed show sadness but it does not make someone feel sad unless they have EXPERIENCED a similar situation. "F*** It" however, allows you to feel this anger that the singer is feeling, EVEN THOUGH you may not have experienced a similar situation.

Using crude language, Eamon does is not disguising his lyrics. He is demonstrating his anger in a way that anyone is capable of. Not everyone can say..."our relationship was like a runaway train." But ANYONE can say "F*** YOU." Because of Eamon's simplicity, he does a better job at getting us to truly understand his anger.

DadaisGalletas said...

Hello, this is Yvette from second period.

I agree with the majority of those who said that Phil Collins' "Against All Odds" is a good song for many reasons. The diction is simple but straight to the point, the instruments used go with the lyrics sung, and the tone in his voice conveys the feeling of heartache felt during the song. I actually enjoyed the song very much.
While I was looking through my old songs and asking people about what songs they believed were the best breakup songs, I played "Against All Odds" and many others. I listened to contemporary songs like "Basement Ghost Singing" by Armor For Sleep, "Cancion Para Manana" by Los Bunkers, and oldies like "De Que Manera Te Olvido" and "Por Tu Maldito Amor" by Vicente Fernandez,"Lamento Boliviano" by enanitos Verdes,"Hopelessly Devoted To You" by Olivia Newton-John, "How Do you Mend A Broken Heart" by The Bee Gees,"If I could Turn Back Time" by Cher,"Moon River" by I can't remember who but it was sung by Audrey hepburn and Frank Sinatra (actually I don't even think that's a break up song so scratch that). Yet none stuck to my head or made me feel so much emotion as the song by Phil Collins. Frankly, I've never even heard of him until today, although his voice does sound a bit familiar. But for it to affect me so much in the short amount of time that I've become aquainted with this song should tell you something about this song. Much like what aristotle said “we delight to contemplate when reproduce with minute fidelity”, meaning that we love feel the emotions of a disaster without actually experiencing it, I believe that this is what "against all odds" does. And can I just mention one thing about Plato? I think the guy had some issues with fiction and art in general, whether drawn or written. He really dimineshes what fiction does because although fiction is never exactly like life, it can sometimes be better than life in the sense that fiction is sometimes more interesting or engaging than what goes on in life. I think that "Against All Odds" manages to engage the listener well enough to make them feel the emotions of the breakup. And to comment on candance e's opinion, I don't think that it's bad that Phil uses alot of repetion in his song because for me it shows how that is the main thing that he thinks of. Also, I believe that a song doesn't necesarily have to let you have closure (this is where I disagree with Aristotle). Fiction, to me is just meant to portray something: whether it's life, fantasies, etc. It does not necesarily have to serve as a catalyst for you to start dealing with your problems. For that you can get a professional shrink.

nando said...
After hearing the song from Phil Collins i have to say it has to be one of the worst break up songs i have heard. I have a diverse taste in music but he is just not for me. Im not sure if this makes me biast in a way? I think although the way in which he did it was very effective for some people i can not agree with the message he is sending. he has all the right parts of a break up song. The most important being the melody that brings you to highs and lows with his emotions. I disagree with his message because through out he whole song he is just going on about how he misses her but that is the worst thing to do after a break up. Of course everyone needs closure after a relationship but if a person leaves you! then you cant mop around forever thinking about them. In my opinion a good break up song would have to be Nice to know you by incubus. It has the important idea that its time to wake up and move on. In the line" I haven’t felt the way i feel today" it leads me to think of how it feels to be single again after a relationship. Being fresh out of a relationship is hard and weird at first is true and that’s why he says” Like a waking limb... in pins and needles" but it is do able. What its comes down to is that yes relations hurt when they end but at the end of the day you have to remember that its over and done with so there's no point in holding on to what is not there. This doesn't mean the break up has to be mean or anything but straightforward and polite like nice to know you good bye

Juju Bearr :D said...

Listening to Phil Collin's "Against All Odds" does tug my heart a little, but I won't say it's THE best break-up song EVERRRRR. Simply because every break up in a relationship have different reasons; there really isn't just A BREAK-UP song that tells everyone's story. For me, I personally like "Moving On" by Toya. The lyrics I think are most effective are:

"Just getting used to waking up everyday Not seeing your face I just began to stop setting your place And I stop longing for your warm embrace"
When you break up with someone--don't deny it!--you miss them and you just simply think of them, even if you don't want to and it takes time to heal. (that can relate to many)
"See right when I start letting go Somebody wants to let me know, Can they take your place? No they can't fill your space, No"
In almost every break-up, you leave a piece of yourself with them. And in a break-up, you're always trying to let go, but of course, there's almost always one holding on, and one letting go. [and the one that's holding on is writing this song, allowing others to listen and share the pain, and that makes it beautiful!]
"And I finally stop playin' our song When I realizied I was dancin' alone"
Okay, maybe this part not everyone has a song, but it symbolizes something you share with your past relationships. Maybe it's a certain song, a certain book, or picture. But I personally really like that line because it's touching. [is this considered what Aristotle said? "objects in which themselves we view with pain, we delight to contemplate when reproduced with minute fidelity?"]
"Now that you're gone I'm holdin' on. And deep in my heart I wanna move on"
These lines show the struggle he/she's facing after a break-up. Whenever a relationship ends, you wish it hadn't and sometimes you tell yourself to move on, but you can't. (that's why some listen to break-up songs, like what Starlee said.)
"God knows it's time for me to move on. I want to feel alive again, I want to be in love again"
After ending a relationship, you would want to pull yourself together and stand up.

Overall, this song is MOST effective because it's broad and can relate to many broken relationships. It's not just talking about ONE story, it reaches out to many other people. The daily struggles you face when you break up with someone normally consist of "thinking about them, remembering past events, and realizing that they're gone." This song touches almost all those subjects. Although some of the lyrics are direct and not broad, but it symbolizes other things that happened throughout your relationship.

Kerri Lynn Carnahan said...


I disagree with the claim that Phil Collins's "Against All Odds" is the best break-up song ever made.

Here is my second nomination choice:

"Nothing Better" by the Postal Service
Will someone please call a surgeon
Who can crack my ribs and repair this broken heart
That your're deserting for better company?
I can't accept that it's over...
I will block the door like a goalie tending the net
In the third quarter of a tied-game rivalry

So just say how to make it right
And i swear i'll do my best to comply

Tell me am i right to think that there could be nothing better
Than making you my bride and slowly growing old together

I feel must interject here you're getting carried away feeling sorry for yourself
With these revisions and gaps in history
So let me help you remember.
I've made charts and graphs that should finally make it clear.
I've prepared a lecture on why i have to leave

So please back away and let me go
I can't my darling i love you so...

Tell me am i right to think that there could be nothing better
Than making you my bride and slowly growing old together
Don't you feed me lines about some idealistic future
Your heart won't heal right if you keep tearing out the sutures

I admit that i have made mistakes and i swear
I'll never wrong you again
You've got a lure i can't deny,
But you've had your chance so say goodbye
Say goodbye


Phil Collins's "Against All Odds" does not appeal to any of my senses nor to my deepest emotions. This song does nothing more for me than evoke a disgusting and pathetic manifestation of misery in my turning stomach. Phil Collins's repetition in begging his fleeing love to stay and take a look at how sad and torn he looks reveals that he is dreadfully pathetic. She is moving on and so should he. Get a life, Mr. Phil Collins! His consistency in singing that he will "sit there and wait"/"watch as she walks away" (and most possibly find something/someone to better waste her time with) highlights the most common reaction to break-ups- emotional disturbance and a piteous state of being. Most people think that they cannot go on with their lives without someone holding their hand and encouraging them (if you were in a healthy relationship).

On another note, however pathetic and unappealing this song appears to me, it is so beautifully written, sung, and performed. I cannot omit that fact that this song does, like any work of fiction console many people going through similar situations. It invites the audience to feel that they are not alone in their time of struggle and emotional fatigues. It even creates an atmosphere of triumph for the listener. The listener may figure that if Phil Collins (most likely and hopefully) got through it, then they can, too! Also, the listener may be sickened at the very fact that they had spent his/her entire Summer inside the house eating pizzas and ice cream and drinking vodka from a flask and chasing it with Diet Pepsi.
This song I have nominated (not as the "best", but as "better"), "Nothing Better" by the Postal Service, creates the same atmosphere as "Against All Odds". However, the irony of the subject in "Nothing Better" interjecting and telling the speaker that he is "getting carried away feeling sorry for himself" makes us shake our heads at the universal truth that one can be so consumed in self-pity during the moment of truth (break-up). He obviously isn't taking into consideration the things he's done wrong to her, yet he only wishes to apologize and say things in hope to make her decide to stay with him. PATHETIC!


Fiction is a fabricated piece of writing with unrealistic characters and even possibilities, but day-to-day moral lessons, a building we may see everyday that is taken and colored so beautifully and tailored to intricately on canvas and called art, a real-life experience written in riddle and rhyme to heighten our senses so that we get the most absolute enjoyment and sensuous effect from it, or a song.


"Disintegration" by the Cure

oh i miss the kiss of treachery the shameless
kiss of vanity the soft and the black and the
velvety up tight against the side of me and
mouth and eyes and heart all bleed and run in
thickening streams of greed as bit by bit it
starts the need to just let go my party piece

oh i miss the kiss of treachery the aching kiss
before i feed the stench of a love for a younger
meat and the sound that it makes when it cuts
in deep the holding up on bended knees the
addiction of duplicities as bit by bit it starts
the need to just let go my party piece

but i never said i would stay to the end so i
leave you with babies and hoping for frequency
screaming like this in the hope of the secrecy
screaming me over and over and over i leave
you with photographs pictures of trickery
stains on the carpet and stains on the scenery
songs about happiness murmured in dreams
when we both us knew how the ending would

so it's all come back round to breaking apart
again breking apart like i'm made up of glass
again making it up behind my back again
holding my breath for the fear of sleep again
holding it up behind my head again cut in deep
to the heart of the bone again round and round
and round and it's coming apart again over and
over and over

now that i know that i'm breaking to pieces i'll
pull out my heart and i'll feed it to anyone
crying for sympathy crocodile cry for the love
of the crowd and the three cheers from
everyone dropping through sky through the
glass of the roof through the roof of your mouth
through the mouth of your eye through the eye
of the needle it's easier for me to get closer to
heaven than ever feel whole again

i never said i would stay to the end i knew i
would leave you with babies and everything
screaming like this in the hole of sincerity
screaming me over and over and over i leave
you with photographs pictues of trickery
stains on the carpet and stains on the memory
songs about
happiness murmured in dreams when we both
of us knew how the end always is...

how the end always is...


"Disintegration" is about a man who found himself mixed in a twisted situation where he was telling a woman he had feelings for her when he really didn't. She was merely his object of entertainment, his "party piece". He thought it was okay, but then he began to "disintegrate" and fall apart in his feelings of guilt. He couldn't do it anymore. Well, he could. That was his problem. He can hurt someone, tell them he loves them while stealing their love, without feeling much. The only thing he felt was guilt, but for some time he ignored that guilt. Then it grew on him and it became overwhelming. Victim number two? So, he seeks consolation in playing tricks on someone else and in hurting himself like he hurt his "victims".

For me, this song does two things that I believe a beautiful work of fiction should. I listen to this song when I am happy. I listen to it when I am sad. I listen to song when I feel beautiful, ugly, and even when I just need some enlightenment. I listen to this song when I am angry, too. Why? This angelic instrumental and poetically lyrical piece colors my senses with such emotion that I have never felt in any other work of fiction. This piece does it all for me.

Phil Collins's "Against All Odds" is a great song for people who want to down a bottle of tequila and drown in their toilets. It's pure pity. It is sad and outreaching, but maybe a little too much. I felt pain when I listened to this song. That's all I felt. I do "delight to contemplate" (Aristotle) when such a sad break-up is sung about, but where is all the other emotion involved in a break-up? Where is the background story to this song? Why are they breaking up? What's Phil Collins going to do once his lover has walked so far out of his sight and his behind has become numb? He has to get up and walk away, right? In every break-up, there should be enlightenment. It is difficult to see the light through teary eyes, but it takes time.

The Cure's "Disintegration" is dealing with this very confused and sick, sad little man who is trying to contemplate how to first show emotion and show it truly, and second to hide the guilt he is drowning in from not first being able to feel guilt. The speaker "can be his true self and shatter the illusion he has created for everyone else that his relationship is a happy one." (bradleyb,

The fact that he is giving up his "party piece" creates a sense of enlightenment, a lifted burden. Because he misses the "kiss of treachery", or deceit, shows that he does have a heart. I love the line "but I never said I would stay to the end" because that IS THE TRUE REALITY OF RELATIONSHIPS. SO, PEOPLE, QUIT MULLING OVER PRECIOUS MOMENTS AND PHOTOGRAPHS THAT SIGNED PROMISES IN FORGERY! "Disintegration" says all.

Steven said...

Steven Gallardo,

The song "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins can be considered the most effective breakeup song by some, but i disagree. My choice would have to be "Goodbye" by Lyfe Jennings. Phil Collins is a great songwriter and this was talked about in the recording. The song is strong in itself with its strong vocals and piano. I guess I'm into that because thats what is in my song that i chose. My song is also unexpected because its not your typical love song with the cliches and happy ending as Erika stated. The song "Goodbye" is what the title says that is looking back to your realtionship overall and know that sometimes it is time to move on to say goodbye. These breakups are sad but true most of the time. Things have to come to an end and to just hope for the best for each of the individuals later on. These songs help us with the time of a breakup because the songs seem to understand everything we could be going through and it can help us be more at peace and move on. The truth is told in many ways and we always have to graspe that unexpected truth.

link to "Goodbye" by Lyfe Jennings

MartinA. said...

Although I agree with Phil Collins up to a point that "Against All Odds" is a great song, I cannot accept that his conclusion of "Against All Odds" is the most effective break up song. I would say that the song "I'm Looking Through You" by is a more effective break up song.

I would say that this song displays a sense of art in the way that the situation of a breakup can be seen as a common situation that occurs in relationships. One would picture the situation in their mind of known couples one minute being together and the next day separated as if nothing had occurred.

The overall effects that are within the song leads to a negative distant mood while also displaying a sense of acceptance.
The Beatles show a feeling of understanding in the situation.

The beginning line of the song "I'm Looking Through You" right away starts to display the sense of separation in the song. "I'm looking through you, where did you go," this line leads the reader to see the loss of identity. Not being able to recognize the person shows how the person has changed and lead us to see that must have been a reason for the breakup. In just the same way the line "You don't look different, but you have changed," also refers to the Beatles showing one person to have noticed a change in the other that pushed away one from another. The phrase "your not the same" shows the acceptance of the difference between the couples. The Beatles were trying to display the developing tension between a couple as the relationship was starting to diminish. The phrase "Why, tell me why, did you not treat me right," also contributes to the feeling of distance in the relationship. There is a sense of betrayal in the fact that the couple could not reason out their true feelings for each other;which resulted in problems that followed up with the breakup. The imagery of the phrase "Love has a nasty habit of disappearing overnight
" adds to the acceptance of the overall breakup. The sense of being in love one day and losing that love another displays the desire to move on and accept what has taken place to continue your life without a distant relationship.

I would say that the song "I'm Looking Through You" by the Beatles is better than Phil Collins song "Against All Odds", is the fact that the song is straightforward. The Beatles distinctively put it out clearly through the diction why the break up took place. The upbeat tempo of the song also added on to the feeling of accepting the breakup and moving on to better things. Phil Collins song showed loneliness and hopelessness with the wording "take a look at me now." The slow beat of the music conveyed sadness toward the breakup.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MartinA. said...

oop, yeah it was Martin A. for the first Martin comment..

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Raquel said...

Ever person is different, and so is every breakup, so when choosing ‘the best break up song ever’ there are countless amounts of emotion that we can chose to go with. Some people may wish to wallow in memories like out friend Phil, others may want to curse the person out like Eamon, and others seek reassurance or sympathy. Some may argue that it depends on which stage of the breakup you are, you may have trouble picking just one song because while you at first you missed him, now you’re angry at him. However I cannot say that in any of the breakup stages would I consider “Against All Odds” to be the best breakup song ever, don’t get me wrong it’s a nice song. And it does create something beautiful of a painful situation, but it doesn’t hit it for me. It’s almost too classic making it seem corny. Like Plato might say, he paints a nice picture of a breakup, but he understands nothing of my breakups.

I would say that the best break up song is ‘Así no te amara jamás’ (She will never love you like that) by Amanda Miguel, which I bet none of you have ever heard before. But you should, because it’s awesome. So here’s the link:
It’s in Spanish, but its strong enough were you are still able to understand her emotions. I translated it as best as possible anyways though.

I know that you friends are saying that you no longer care for me
That the time next to me is a chapter without a happy ending
I know that that woman that you give what you never wanted to give me
Dares to comment that I have no dignity
That she has pity on me

Ahhhh….. ahhhhh…….. ahhhhhhh………Ahhhhhhh

Perhaps I should resign and call you no more
Perhaps I should respect myself and not beg you anymore
Perhaps I should allow with all dignity
That you live your romance in peace
I don’t know which of us is losing more
I don’t know if you understand with the idiot you are with
I know she cannot love you like me
She will never love you like that

No no no no no noo no no x4

Ahhhh….. ahhhhh…….. ahhhhhhh………Ahhhhhhh

Perhaps I should resign and call you no more
Perhaps I should respect myself and not beg you anymore
Perhaps I should allow with all dignity
That you live your romance in peace
I don’t know which of us is losing more
I don’t know if you understand with the idiot you are with
I know she cannot love you like me
She will never love you like that

No no no no no noo no no x2
No no noo No x2
No no no no no noo no no x2

Yes she’s upset. Yes she’s angry. Yes she’s in pain. And yes, she’s strong. She still loves this guy, and obviously misses him, but never does she out right say ‘I love you and miss you.’ She’s breaking down, and the violins are playing her pain, and she’s not afraid to scream out. She’s a beautiful tragedy. She’s a mess that many of us can relate to after a breakup. You want to be angry at him, but you still love him, but how could he do that to you? I love that even through what seems to be a breakdown she is still proud, and strong, and knows that she is better than this other girl. It’s a song that you can listen to, and cry, scream, sing, and kill that numbness and void, its song that will create a catharsis that will enable you to walk away stronger and ready to let go.
-Raquel M.

Anonymous said...

This is Ashley Hart

Phil Collins song, "Against All Odds" is a very effective break up song but I disagree that it is the best break up song. I think that one of the most effective break up songs is "How Could You" by Mario. I believe that this song encompasses the feeling of the break instead of just telling the listener about it. Fiction should give you a sense of what is happeneing. You should be able to feel the heartache of Phil Collins song and although you can see it through his imagery you are unable to feel the pain that he has felt. With Mario's song he is very repetitive with his lyrics and wants the listener to know that this girl tore his heart out. When he says, "How could you teach him all the things I taught you," he is showing the feelings that he had for her not only physically but mentally. He wanted her to know everything he knew. He gave her a part of himself as a gift. This song seems to be more effective than any other song I've heard because it isn't simply that she cheated on him that hurt him. He was devoted to her one hundred percent and tried to connect with her so that he was truely in her heart. By her cheating on him and then leaving him she made it seem as if all the time and effort he put into the relationship was worthless.

This is the link if anyone would like to check out the song.

Jimmy said...

Phil Collins “Against All Odds” is an amazing song; however I don’t believe that it is the best break up song. In my opinion, I believe that the best break up song is “These Arms” by Matt Costa.
Here is the only link I found.
Don’t pay attention to the slide show.
with an upwind facing starboard
i was unsure of where to go
the salt burns my skin
and your eyes were cold as the ocean
this is our day today
won't you find the way back to these arms

and we're bound for where we started
with a down wind course through the harbor
at sunset i was sorry
that this was our day today
this is our day today

why can't you find the way
won't you find the way back to these arms

are we bound for where we started
cause the start is where we're bound to end up
the start is where we're bound
and we're bound to end up where the start's at

and when twilight turned darkness
i was unsure of where to go
the salt burns my skin
and your eyes were cold as the ocean
this is our day today
can you find the way back to these arms
this is our day today
won't you find the way back to these arms
I chose this song to be the best break up song because it does a better job of clearly expresses his emotion. Not that “Against All Odds” does a poor job of it; it’s just that in this song, the singer expresses his deep sadness through sound and imagery. When reading the lyrics literally, the singer is painting us a picture of him alone in the ocean. His tone of voice captures his sorrow and confusion. This song makes me imagine him just isolated in the ocean on a boat, having the slightest idea of where to go in the mass body of water and everywhere he looks is just water. The song does a good job of comparing the isolation at sea to the feeling of abandonment when a relationship ends. “Against All Odds” essentially does the same thing, except the song takes a more straight forward approach. The song itself is peaceful and calm, much like the ocean itself. But, in this song, the feeling of abandonment just stings at him.

chanjamie said...

Jamie Chan
"Against all odds"is just not a song I would turn to if I just had broken up with someone. It would probably be more effective if it was just read like a poem. It seems like they put the song together last min so they would have someone to hand in to the producer, no offense. Honestly, the way he sang the song shows no emotion at all if you changed the words in to a love song it would have worked also. So the effectiveness of this song has epic failed.
I would like to nominate a song that was probably made during the same time this song has "All out of love" by Air Supply.Even though the song has drums in it too it allows us to connect more to the song and it makes us pity ourselves in a way.

ro ro said...

In my personal point of view, "The Start of Something" by Voxtrot ( is the most effective break up song. When people go through break ups they either settle for what has happened or attempt to work things out with the other person. In "The Start of Something", the person singing obviously wants to mend things with the other person and make things better. Yet, when he is in the process of doing so, finds out the girl has moved on. "Would you believe it? She sent me a letter the ring, it nearly weighs her down she’s got another boy, oh boy". Apparently she has found someone else and is now engaged. The choice to use the words "Oh, take me on back, take me on back, take me back
To the place where I could feel your heart", enhances our understanding to how he once had her the way he wanted but has now lost her and wants her to take him on back, take him on back to the place where he use to be. It is as if he feels she's lost all respect towards him for the mistakes he has made and thinks lesser of him than before. He yearns for something beautiful he had with her and wants to believe he can have it again just as it was but questions if it'll just be "Wrapped up and disguised
As something really really ugly". The word choice in "The Start of Something" allows us to create visible imagery and see how this "break up" is affecting the person. Using the words "If I die clutching your photograph" creates a sense of resistance. The person doesn't want to let go of the photograph. He wants to hold on to what he's got left of her since he won’t have her there physically ever again. With stating for her to “Steady your ears, steady your ears and read my lips
Poetry is not a luxury, it's how I break this home" he allows the audience to feel a sense of opportunity and confidence. He states that he will "break this home" with poetry as if there is a slight possibility that he might be able to win her back with his poetry. In which her name "is dripping from my pen" however she is "not around to curse" implying that she is not even present to be upset at him for writing about her.
I believe that this song really captures what a break up is about. No one is really willing to just move on from one day to another after having shared experiences and emotions with a person. A majority of the time, with a break up comes remorse. In "The Start of Something" we can see how the guy starts hoping for things to work out between him and the girl but as he sees how much harm he caused her "No, I never break my gaze, if just to see the scar remain reflected in your eyes", he realizes there's nothing left for him to do but face the fact that things can't be undone and the time has come for him to "go home".
To me, this song depicts exactly what I believe fiction/art should do. I agree with both Aristotle's and Plato's view on literature. I'm not sure but if the writer of this song has never experienced a break up, he did a hell of a job pretending he did. He gathered all the typical emotions people feel when they encounter such problems and allowed the audience to relate and possibly influence them to approach their situation in the same manner as he did. He took a break up and turned it into a learning experience. He allowed the audience to see that he fought for what he wanted until it was much too late and was then left to face the hole he'd dug himself. He never knew what he had until he lost it. Basically, this is all people want to hear. They want to relate to others and not feel alone. That comfort can be found in this song.
All in all, this is the most effective break up song over all because every aspect of a break up is mentioned. It goes to show that break ups are for the better sometimes and how what we want isn't necessarily what we need. "The Start of Something" portrays how it's not impossible to pick up and start over as well as be independent as an alternative of relying on your "significant other".

Rocio 3rd

Anonymous said...

This is Kyle Trentz from 1st Period

I would have to say that even though Phil Collins' "Against All Odds" is an effective breakup song, it is not the best. I would have to nominate Keith Urban's "You'll Think of Me" as the best breakup song. This is a good breakup song because it speaks of things we ourselves can relate to after having gone through a breakup. The songs speaks about emotions and thoughts after a breakup, which really pulls at our heart strings and makes us connect with the song. The song uses a very sad melody and is slow. This adds onto the overall sadness that we feel. However, I think it is the best breakup song because it gives its listeners a sense hope. It makes them feel better because they know that their ex will think of them in the future, even for the slightest second, and feel exactly what they're feeling now. I think that this is better than Phil Collins' song because Phil Collins song is about sitting around and wishing that this person could be back your life, which just ends up making you even more sad. Whereas Keith Urban's song still gives you that connection and sadness, but with a sense of hope.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I forgot the link.

Franco said...

Hi, this Magaly Franco.

Though I concede that “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins is a great song, I still insist that “How Am I Suppose To Live Without You” by Michael Bolton is the best breakup song. It is the best break up song because it fits what Starlee Kline stated a good breakup song should be by creating a depressing mood, making the listener feel as if he/she is better off with the person who left them, and making it relatable to the listener.

Phil Collins is less effective than Michael Bolton in creating a depressing mood because the music fails to deliver a sense of sadness. The beat of “Against All Odds” is kind of upbeat compared to Bolton’s. Bolton’s song contains a slower beat with more dramatic low tones which are used to portray a sad moment. Collin’s beat is slightly faster and more rhythmic which resembles a sad song but with a glimpse of hope. Collins also has a choir singing in the background of “Against All Odd” which shows that he is not completely alone and also creates some hope that it’ll easier to move on. Bolton, on the other hand, is the only one singing in “How Am I Supposed to Live Without You” which shows that he feels alone, creating the sense of depression.

Bolton also succeeds more in creating the feeling that the listener is not better off without their partner than Collins because the repetition of the statement: “Tell me how am I suppose to live without you” creates a sense of desperation Collins lacks. In “Against All Odds,” Collins has realized that his lover is not coming back which shows that he is getting closer to moving on, “And you coming back to me is against all odds and that's what i've got to face.” However, in “How Am I Suppose To Live Without You,” Bolton repeatedly demands an answer as to how he will survive without his partner. This shows that he is still stuck on trying to figure out a way to fix things and is no where near moving on which makes the song more depressing. This statement also emphasizes his desperate need for her.

The drastic change of tone in Bolton’s singing also creates a change of desperation unlike Collin which people can relate to. Bolton’s voice goes from a low sad tone to a desperate cry for an answer which resembles the change in people’s attitude when they’re going through a rough break up. I relate this to when the person is sad thinking about the fact that they will never have that person again but then changes into a slightly angry and desperate mood when they think of the pain the person is causing them and how unfair it is. The fact that Bolton is telling her to give him an answer and not asking for one slightly shows the anger he feels.

Therefore, “How Am I Suppose To Live Without You” is a better breakup song than “Against All Odds” because it better creates the effects Starlee Kline said a breakup song should. Bolton’s song is also more depressing which makes its more pleasurable to the listener as Aristotle has stated. This leads me to disagree with Gina Sewell who has chosen "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor as the best breakup song because as she has stated lead the listener to be “happy,” however, a good breakup song is supposed make you feel better by making you feel worse, not happy.

If you’d like, you can listen to the song at

Benjamin Barajas said...

Hi, my name is Benjamin Barajas

I believe that Phil Collins "Against All Odds" is the most affective break up song ever. I ahte to argue against such great arguements. If you listen closely to the song or how as long as you have been in a long relationship before. I think you you can understand why Phil Collins has a perfect song. This song doesnt judge the person who is feeling broken down. Its just asking how the other person could walk away when you were the one who really understood them all along. You feel bulnerable because that person took your best friend away. This is important becasue you just dont loose someone you love but your closest companian. Phil Collins shows this so effectively in his song. SO i think he should be given his due. Phil Collins made the best break up song ever!

Benjamin Barajas said...

Hi, my name is Benjamin Barajas

I believe that Phil Collins "Against All Odds" is the most affective break up song ever. I ahte to argue against such great arguements. If you listen closely to the song or how as long as you have been in a long relationship before. I think you you can understand why Phil Collins has a perfect song. This song doesnt judge the person who is feeling broken down. Its just asking how the other person could walk away when you were the one who really understood them all along. You feel bulnerable because that person took your best friend away. This is important becasue you just dont loose someone you love but your closest companian. Phil Collins shows this so effectively in his song. SO i think he should be given his due. Phil Collins made the best break up song ever!

Benjamin Barajas said...

Hi, my name is Benjamin Barajas

I believe that Phil Collins "Against All Odds" is the most affective break up song ever. I ahte to argue against such great arguements. If you listen closely to the song or how as long as you have been in a long relationship before. I think you you can understand why Phil Collins has a perfect song. This song doesnt judge the person who is feeling broken down. Its just asking how the other person could walk away when you were the one who really understood them all along. You feel bulnerable because that person took your best friend away. This is important becasue you just dont loose someone you love but your closest companian. Phil Collins shows this so effectively in his song. SO i think he should be given his due. Phil Collins made the best break up song ever!

Psychobabble said...

Cristina Pérez [1st period]

Although "Against All Odds" is a good break up song I do not think it is the most effective break up song out there. The lyrics are pretty good at making you feel inferior to that other special someone, and I do not agree with that. After a break up I want to hear something that makes me get over that person. Something that would probably would talk about how they were everything to you but if things don't work out oh well. I nominate the song "We Got Some Breaking Up To Do" by Private. In my opinion this song takes me to a world that does not make me feel sad and depressed. Instead, I feel happy and I kind of get an attitude saying "yeah I am better off now". The pharses "It's not the time for me and you" and "And now our time is overdue" has that attitude that makes you feel that times like these would fade away quick. The phrases create the overall effect of personal growth.

Also, the beat of the song makes the listener want to dance. Dance is a great way to take away your mind off of something, Therefore, this song is a great break up song because it makes you move on and get over that person. This is kind of like an anthem for girls/guys after a break up. The song is agreeing that they are hurt "And then a couple of days ago. Someone told me stories that. You had been wasting all my precious time. And now i'll have to leave it all behind", but just because they had feelings for that person doesn't mean that they have to be crying for them. That is why I think this song is the best break up song out there.

Psychobabble said...

Here's the video. I agree that the band is quite funny.

Macrina said...

I don’t believe that “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins is the greatest break up song ever. The song I believe is “Carry You” by Jimmy Eat World. A break up isn’t exactly a very uplifting moment I in a persons life, you don’t just get over “it” one day to the other. Break ups can be good and bad. “When I know I’m all alone I say your name slowly and I know that I’m alone but I carry you” this creates a sense of aloneness yet it also suggests an emotional attachment. Most Keep something of an ex as a memory this line does that for you brings you back to what you cant seem to let go. You can relate to it making it deeper to you. When we begin to realize that we aren’t exactly what your significant other was looking for you can’t help to think “I could never be the one that you want, don’t ask” this line emphasis enlightenment and realization. You can’t help to be who you are when in a relationship if you have to change foe someone then they’re unwilling to except you as you are and this leads to lost of fights and then break ups. And if you do decide to put it in the past then you have come out of some spell that has blinded you eyes such as this line “Well here’s to living in the moment Cause it passed.” The song is more effective because the Phil Collins song doesn’t talk about the break up time were you hate the person its about the part were you have gotten over the person and are willing to continue it doesn’t seem very realistic to me. Even if we talk about Fiction/art the song should make you feel the way you do at the point in which the break up song is at.

E.D. said...

Egder Dominguez

I disagree with the view that the song “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins is the most effective break-up song ever made because it is too negative to hear after a break-up. The ending “'cos I'll still be standing here And you coming back to me is against all odds” creates a sense of weakness. It seems as though he will not be able to get over her for a while. The negativity in this song is too broad as most can easily relate one’s experience and it no longer seems like fiction that entertains us.
As Aristotle proposed in his book “Poetics”, we enjoy a reproduction of a similar experience one has been through, as long as it isn’t our exact situation. My nomination coincides with Justyna and Michoakana’s choice of “Fu** You” by Eamon being the top break-up song. The verse “See I dont, know why, I liked you so much, I gave you all, of my trust” enhances the imagery of betrayal. He opened up his t rue feelings yet now he regrets having put himself out in the open.
“You thought, you could, Keep this shit from me, yeah, Ya burnt bitch, I heard the story, Ya played me, ya even gave him head” creates an atmosphere of infidelity. This verse is key in what helps it be the most effective break-up song. Infidelity seems to be the most common cause for break-ups. Jealousy and insecurity both stem from infidelity. This is also a feeling you get even when you are no longer in a relationship with that person. You still see her having a new boyfriend/girlfriend as a form of unfaithfulness.
“I dont want you back” is has more than one meaning. It can mean that he has already forgot about her, wishes she now feels the same pain, and enhances the sense of insignificance.
Catharsis is also present in “Fu** You”. The song creates an intensive sense of resentment which ends, as so does our tension throughout the song.

Link on youtube:

nancy said...

Although the song "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins is an effective break up song I'm going to have to say that it is not the best break up song ever made. In fact I think I'm going to have to agree with Lania when she says that the song "I can't stop loving you" by Kem. One of the reasons why I think it is the most effective break up song is because of the fact that the beat of this song seems to be very calming and tranquil. It is not a song in where you hear loud drums, or yelling or any of those things. I think the fact that the beat and music are very genle shows the fact that a break up can cause a person to become very fragile. Therefore, a break up song has to be one in where you are calmed down by it so that you can really reflect on what happened. Sure during a break up you are going to feel a lot of emotions that are at times rage and you just feel like cussing that person out but let's face it deep down it hurts. Deep down you don't understand what happened and you are hurt by the whole situation because maybe you thought that person was the one for you.

The song by Kem I think really shows the fact that a break up is painful. For instance, there's a line that says
"So take a look at me now, oh there's just an empty space."
During a break up don't we feel empty? Don't we feel alone and neglected because we can't seem to understand what happened. Don't we feel like a part of us has been lost because we have to continue on with our lives knowing that we are left with memories of the way things used to be and can no longer be? To some extent even if we don't want to admit it we know deep inside that the person meant something to us even if it was just a little and now we are left empty without them.

Another line that I feel really portrays what a break up really is and the emotions that come with it is "I can't stop loving you." Ok so maybe we weren't really in love with the person but didn't we care about them? After a break up don't we still in a way yearn for them because it takes time for us to get accostumed to the fact that they are no longer with us. After a break up we are still left with a feeling towards them because let's face it that person was a part of our life.

Another line that I think is very effective in the song is " I don't know why." This line is said after Kem says that he can't get over the girl that he has just broken up with.I think this line is exremely effecive because of the fact that during a break up there are a variety of emotions a person feels. They can feel rage, sadness, dissapointment and so many other things without knowing why. A break up is confusing and at times you never really find out what it was that you really felt for the person until you lose them and have time to think about what they meant to you.

Also the line "the sun was shining on you the lord was smiling on me," are also very effective because when you first start a relationship everything is bliss. You feel like that person is perfect and that you are meant for eachother that's why it's so painful when everything falls apart. During a break up you think about what went wrong over and over because you can't understand how something that seemed so perfect wasn't.

-Nancy M.
Sorry, Ms. Levine I thought you would give us all of Thursday for this assignment.

nancy said...

This song does the things that i believe fiction should do because it allows us to in a way continue on hoping that if we continue to love that person maybe they'll realize that the break up shouldn't have happened. I guess in a way it provides hope which is something that fiction does. Fiction allows us to escape from reality from what is really going on and hope that the world isn't really the way it is.

Miri said...

People in the media today tend to believe that Phil Collins song "Against all odds" is the best break up son. I'm going to disagree with this statement. Although I agree with Edger Dominguez up to a point, I cannot accept his overall conclusions that "F**k it" is a good break-up song because it shows weakness. It's something that shows true feeling not being in denial. You get into a relationship because you want to try something new and taking risks from which hopefully turn out good; if not, then you learn from those experiences.
I nominate the song "So hard to forget" by MDO. This song creates an amourous mood. Not only has concrete images but it also has past and present tense feelings that keep reflecting the true feelings and desires of the composer.

"You're so hard to forget
So hard to erase
Your kisses, your face, the nights, the love that we made
When I made her mine
I saw you in her eyes
How foolish to try and pretend
That a night with her would make me forget"

Sometimes it's not all about hating the person but actually living the experiences and facing as a human being. The song doesn't show anger, hatred, or remorse; it doesn't show happiness either but it helps to show how this plot and storyline portrays an example of what things occur after a relationship. people sometimes love so much that it hurts.

Love has all around positive connotations and it's something good; but just like the woman of the writer said, "it does me more bad than good."

Like e.d. there is atmosphere in all songs in "F**k it" the atmosphere in the song is infidelity in "So hard to forget" the atmosphere is affection. The love he had was too strong and the sudden break-up left him clueless:

"still wonder why you decided to leave
I felt you took away even the air I breath (the air, the air, the air that I breath)
Now I only hope you see my love through my tears...oh...
Cause living without you is my deepest fear"

Love is one of the strongest emotions sometimes it's even hard to control. This completely throws off Aristotle's view of art/fiction being an imitation because many people have their own type of long songs even if it's in a different genre like hip-hop, ballad, heavy metal, and so on.
Sometimes it's good to have literary techniques to have people visualize and even have the effects of feeling what the composer feels when writing the song.

Loss, deception, desolation melancholic are all moods shown in the song:

You were for so long (so long)
Not just my lover, but my friend (my friend)
You made my world a better place
I just can't live another day without you

Through all this i think that this song is truly effective as a break-up song better than Phil Collins.

From the beginning it starts with the feeling of wanting back that loved one:

I was so obsessed with the look in her eyes
It was so intense to see her body over mine
She was just so perfect, I have to confess
I thought maybe this time, my broken heart would mend

These lyrics color the idea that it takes time to forget and no matter what there is always going to be that feeling at the end of a relationship no matter if it's the guy or the girl.

The tone of the author is rejection while the mood is melancholic with a need of a distration to forget the past and move on.

loca42009 said...

This is Alicia..

I must say that "Against All Odds" is quite effective. However, his tone of voice doesn't express as much devotion to this pain his going through. The lyrics are strong but when you listen to it, its like "eh poor guy."
I agree with Gina that "I Will Survive" was very effective in showing emotion. The way Gloria Gaynor sings it with mild aggressiveness and determination. She motivates women to not fall back after a break-up. It's a different style of break-up song that we're not use to. When we think of break-up songs, we think slow rhythm, soft tone of voice; very depressing. That song would be my first choice for best break-up song in an up-beat category.
Now if we're talking depressing and passionate, then I would choose "Anything for You" by Gloria Estefan. This song makes you imagine and feel the situation. Fiction and art should do the same. The song creates a sad mood for the audience. The audience is lead to feel a sense of lonliness. It could happen to anyone. The tone of the singer is soft, creating a soothing sound. The opeining is light instrumental usage. Than it starts being more lauder helping to show pain and the love she still feels for this guy. In the song she accepts the fact it didnt work out between them. She still loves him and wishes him a girl that will love him as much as she did.
"I can pretend each time i see you
That i dont care and i dont need you
and though you'll never see me crying
you kno inside i feel like dying."
This verse shows the pain this love is costing her. He is her weakness. She makes the audience understand that she'll always be there for a guy, even as a friend.
he instrumental choice, rhythm and lyrics create the best break-up song ever. You feel her pain.

Here are the entire lyrics:

Anything for you
Though you're not here
Since you said we're through
It seems like years
Time keeps draggin on and on
And forever's been and gone
Still I can't figure what went wrong

I'd still do anything for you
I'll play your game
You hurt me through and through
But you can have your way

I can pretend each time I see you
That I don't care and I don't need you
And though you'll never see me cryin'
You know inside I feel like dying
And I'd do anything for you
In spite of it all
I've learned so much from you
You made me strong
But don't you ever think that I don't love you
That for one minute I forgot you
But sometimes things don't work out right
And you just have to say goodbye

I hope you find somone to please you
Somone who'll care and never leave you
But if that someone ever hurts you
You just might need a friend to turn to

And I'd do anything for you
I'll give you up
If that's what I should do
To make you happy

I can pretend each time I see you
That I don't care and I don't need you
And though inside I feel like dying
You know you'll never see me crying

Don't you ever think that I don't love you
That for one minute I forgot you
But sometimes things don't work out right
And you just have to say goodbye

alexandriaprude said...

Although i agree Phil Collins' song "Against All Odds" is a very effective song becasue of its depressing diction, my nomination for most effective break up song is "Incomplete" by Sisqo. I think this is the most effective because sisqo does a wonderful job at capturing how a person would feel if their significant other left them. In the song, he is basically say that he has money, cars, clothes, and women throwing themselves at him, but nothing matters because the only thing thing that mattered (his girlfriend) is gone. He says "Even though it seems I have everything, I dont want to be a lonely fool. All of the women, all of the expensive cars, all of the money dont amount to you." I feel that, he is saying that he has everything imaginable, but he isnt happy because those things can never be her. I think that anyone who has broke up with someone should be able to relate to this song because If the person you knew best or knew you best left, you wouldnt feel complete becasue you dont have that person to share things with. No matter how hard you try to forget about that person or live your life, in the back of your mind, you will always have that memory of that person and miss them because they are not there and you feel incomplete.

Here are the lyrics

Verse 1:
Bright Lights, Fancy Restaurants
Everything in this world that a man could want.
I got a bank account bigger than the law should allow
Still I'm lonely now
Pretty Faces from the covers of a magazine
From their covers to my covers wanna lay with me.
Fame and Fortune still can't find, just a grown man runnin' out of time

Though it seems I have everything
I dont wanna be a lonely fool
All of the women, all the expensive cars, all the money don't amount to you.
So I can make believe I have everything, but I can't pretend that I don't see.
That without you girl my life is incomplete.

Verse 2:
Your perfume, your sexy lingerie.
Girl I remember it just like it was on yesterday.
A Thursday you told me you had fallen in love, I wasn't sure that I was.
it's been a year-Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall.
But being without you just aint livin' aint livin'at all
If I could travel back in time, I'd relive the days you were mine.

Even though it seems I have everything
I don't wanna be a lonely fool.
All of the women, all the expensive cars, all of the money don't amount to you.
I can make believe I have everything,but I can't pretend that I don't see
That without you girl my life is incomplete.

Verse 3:
I just can't help lovin' you
But I loved you much too late.
I'd give anything and everything to hear you say, that you'll stay

Even though it seems I have everything.
I don't wanna be a lonely fool.
All of the women, all of the expensive cars, all of the money don't amount to you.
(you can have it all) I can make believe I have everything, but I can't pretend that I don't see. (Just give me my
That without you girl my life is incomplete.

Repeat Chorus

lyrics found at:

Yesica said...

Hello, this is Yesica Prado. (3rd Period)

Though I concede that “Against All Odds” by Phil Collins is an exceptional break up song, I still insist that it is not entirely effective. The word choice used in this song creates a mood of agony and despair. For example, the phrase “And you coming back to me is against the odds and that’s what I’ve got to face” highlights the sense of unfaithfulness and incompetence to get that person back. This author uses a similar technique by using the words “we’ve shared the laughter and the pain, and even the tears” revealing weakness and an eagerness for the person to come back. Also, the line “ I wish I could just make you turn around- turn around and see me cry” sets the stage for an emotional breakdown. Overall, this song creates a mood of misery, making it an ineffective break up song.

Fiction and Art is created to connect with one’s feelings, and does not make us feel like we are the only ones feeling a certain way. It might reveal an emotion that we are afraid to demonstrate or to say out loud. For example, wishing revenge or death to somebody it’s a feeling that we would hide, and what fiction does is confirm with that emotion. Also, just like Aristotle once said, it makes negative emotions less painful as fiction purifies those feeling and turns them into something beautiful.

In my opinion, for a break up song to be effective it needs to create a mood of resentment because that is what we ultimately feel. My nomination is “Apology” by Alesana because this song develops a feeling of rage, which is an emotion that gives us strength to move on. When you break up with someone, eventually you just want to forget that person so you wouldn’t want to hear a song that only brings back memories of that relationship. In the song “Apology,” the word choice emphasizes the sense of hatred and disinterest. The phrase “As I wake from this perfect dream, I’ll escape from Eden’s walls” focuses our attention on how the whole relationship was so perfect that in the end it was too good to be true. You can see the same effects on the use of the line “I feel so numb to see this bitter end of beautiful illusions.” Similarly, the phrase “Urgency overwhelms me as I must restrain my flood of tears” might here be used to create a sense of strength as he refuses to cry for her. In just the same way, the words “I refuse to be slave to your false beauty again” reveals independence and rejection towards another upcoming chance to get back together. This author furthers this resentful atmosphere when he uses the passage “In my mind, Blood drip from your eyes, A beautiful, Last Goodbye” to create a feeling of viciousness and vengeance.

Here’s the link of the song:

Cesar S. said...

Phil Collin's song "against all odds" is a nice song. I don't think it's a good song for a break up because it's too depressing; In my opinion. A person who is really hurt from a break up and agonizes along with that song might lead to some negative results. The claim that " Phil Collins' song 'against all odds" is the most effective break up song ever made" is true in that it's a very negative effective song. It's a negative effective song in that it's too depressing. Yet, a breakup is known generally to be a negative depressing subject.
"How can you just walk away from me,
When all i can do is watch you leave
Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain and even shared the tears
You're the only one who really knew me at all"
Phil's words state the general views most of us have of a break up. "Walk away from me" stands out for all the break ups, because clearly for it to be a break up one has to walk away. "You're the only one who really knew me at all" also speaks out for any hurting break up. If you agonize with a break up it's because you and your ex where really connected. If that's so, then you thought the other person really knew you. That's a hurting break up which this song depicts on. The song is reminding the listener of their break up and the person leaving;it's creating a depressing break up song with it's melancholy melody. The words overall speak out for every break up and basically anybody who hasn't been through a harsh break up will find this song to have strong effects in relating to a break up. I agree with louis in picking this song as "the most effective break up song". The song tells a story referring to the "nature" of a break up. Like Plato states, "they copy images of virtue and the like, but the truth they never reach". This song "paints a good picture good enough for those who know no more than he does". Since this song states general views on a break up, anybody who hasn't been through a hurting break up will believe the song speaks out reality on a break up and be "influenced by the melody";therefore will believe also that Phil's song is very effective and full of sorrow. Also like Aristotle states, "And if you happen not to have seen the original, the pleasure will be due not to the imitation as such, but to the execution, the colouring, or some such other cause." Phil Colin's song rythm is very depressing like which makes "against all odds" a very "effective break up song".

This is not Wilson said...

I nominate this song for best break up song. I concede to some of the comments that it depeneds of the break up and your genre of music to which is best. This for me works to be the breaker instead of the breaky. IN comparison to Phil Collins son in which he is the Breaky. This song uses lirics like "So you hold me down" to show entrapment. It also uses a very simple format to convey its message.

Lamar Smith said...

No disrespect to anyone who is apart of this blog but if you don't think this is the MOST EFFECTIVE BREAK UP SONG, than you are just crazy.

"Goodbye" by Lyfe Jennings

[Verse 1]
Sometimes makin up is easier than breakin up
We believe if we just fake it enough
We can trick our selves into believin that we're still in love
But in our harts we know that it's inevitable
Though it's hard to let you go I know I must

[Verse 2]
Sometimes memories just ain't enough
Sometimes you out grow the ones you love
Sometimes it's none of the above
It's just the fact that people change
No one's to blame
There ain't nothin that stays the same
So we sit around and cry
Because neither one of us wants to be the first to say

[Verse 3]
Sometimes givin 2nd chances is easier than dealing with the fact that
Once the trust is gone you could never get it back
But your holdin on because your afraid of bein alone
So here you are holdin on to somethin thats already gone
And don't act like it's the first time you've heard it in this song
Cause your heart done told you all along

If your momma done showed you right from wrong
No thing should hold you down this long
There's no one to blame nothin stays the same
So we sit around and cry because neither one of us wants to be the first to say goodbye
So let me be the first to say...GOODBYE!

Although I agree Phil Collins' "Against All Odds" is an effective break up song, it's not the best. My nominee is "Goodbye" by Lyfe Jennings. My reasoning is as followed: "Against All Odds" does create the right mood which you need to be in after a break up but "Goodbye" does an even better job. The soothing piano in the background along with Lyfe Jennings' powerful yet reassuring voice takes you places where "Against All Odds" only wishes it could take you, which is the truth. The last verse says "There's no one to blame nothin stays the same,
So we sit around and cry because neither one of us wants to be the first to say goodbye
,So let me be the first to say...GOODBYE!", thats the way to end a realationship. It's not like the rest of these songs that have fairy tale, happy endings. In order to find closure in yourself and in the realationship, you must realize the truth. And that is what "Goodbye" brings you to...The Truth. I went through a real tough break up not to long ago and this song really does the trick, believe me!!!!

Blanca said...

This is Blanca. I forgot to put my name on my previous post. Sorry! Here it is again.

I disagree with the claim that "Against All Odds" by Phil Collins is the best break-up song ever made. I nominate "Caught in the Sun" by Course of Nature as the best break-up song. Don't get me wrong, "Against All Odds" is a great break-up song, but I do not believe that it is the BEST.

"Caught in the Sun" is the best break-up song ever because of 3 important lines.

The first is:
I'd give anything just to hear your voice
This is one of the first lines in the song. It creates a sense of yearning and desire. After a break-up it is normal for a person to keep longing to be with the person they just broke up with or have been dumped by.

Another line is:
You are there for me. This I hope and pray. Here the tone is very hopeful. After a break-up a person just wants to hang on to every little piece of hope.

The third line I chose is:
Will you wait for me or will I be too late this time? This line shows that the artist feels doubtful that he will ever be reunited with the person he loves.

Compared to "Against all Odds" this song uses more original metaphors. It has a deeper explanation of the situation and isn't as repetitive as "Against All Odds". That's why I believe it is better.